Monday, March 16, 2020

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day 2019

We chose to move over Christmas break to help normalize the school absence for the kids. They'd be out of school while both schools were out and starting back at a new school after an extended break. But let me tell you, moving over Christmas SUCKS, I don't recommend it HAHA. 

We went to my friend Jill's church for Christmas Eve. I went to college with Jill and found out she lived in Wichita a few months prior to moving there. We got together on one of our trips down. She is the pastor of the United Methodist Church in our neighborhood, how random is that! 

Kids enjoyed the candle light service. 

Christmas morning came early. Tired parents, tired kids, made for lots of crabby moods. But we pressed on and got through it. 

Much needed nap for the early riser:

Day full of playing with new toys! 

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