We've been getting lots of snow up here. The difference from last year is we have to shovel our sidewalks when we get a healthy amount of snow (which has been every time it snows). I remember how I used to always LOVE snow and I'd love how it made everything so white... I still love snow, but now instead of seeing it's beauty everywhere, I find myself looking at sidewalks and driveways and how well people have shoveled them or if it's on my way to work to see if they've gotten up early to shovel... Here in St. Louis Park: "city ordinance requires homeowners to shovel sidewalks on the same day of a snowfall if six hours of daylight remain after the snow has stopped falling. Otherwise, sidewalks must be cleared by noon the following day. Failure to shovel sidewalks after each snowfall can result in a fine". So we have been very good about keeping our sidewalks cleared.. also the sooner we shovel the easier it is because once people walk on it, the snow gets packed down and it's a pain. Yesterday it actually got up to 40 so anything that was left on the sidewalks is now melted, which is great because now next time it snows we have a clean slate to work with! Here's Kyle standing in our front sidewalk last Sunday (12.21.08)

Harpo is also having to get used to all the snow we've been having.
One day after we let him out to go potty, we kept calling for him at the door but we couldn't see him anywhere... he was out there longer than usually so I bundled up to go outside and figure out what he was doing. I found him standing under the deck where there was no snow. he wouldn't come to me so I had to pull him out and pick him up to come inside... after that we started putting his boots on, he was still iffy to go outside but once he realized his boots would keep his feet warm he was alright with it. A few time I had to go out with him and stomp down some snow so it wouldn't swallow him up! And when the temperature is below zero he WILL NOT go out unless he absolutely has to.. which is only about three times a day.
It's funny how here, the weather map is depicted rather differently than the rest of the year...
If you can tell that Minnesota is located at the SOUTH of the screen. I think they do this so that we don't realize how cold it is and think to ourselves "well at least it's not -38 here like it is up in Canada, it'll be okay"