A couple of Saturday's ago Kyle and I ran a 5K. We had heard about this run before, Kyle had an old co-worker that won the costume contest last year. The slogan is "walk, run, whatever". It's a 5K beer run, put on by James Page brewing company. We didn't dress up this year, but we did have fun seeing everyone else dressed up. It was also a dog friendly run, which I love! Here Kyle is in line to get his run number. If you notice the trashbag in front of him... there is a person in it, lol.

There were a lot of thing 1 and thing 1 costumes.

Here's Harpo getting ready to start the race. We were toward the front since we didn't have any elaborate costumes and were actually planning to run the race.

And we're off! We started near the stone arch bridge, ran across it and a loop around the Mississippi river. Yes I was running and taking pictures :-)

There was even a band playing for us as we ran by!

I had fun watching the costume runners as Harpo and I ran. (kyle is somewhere ahead of me about 10 seconds.)

There was a water station at mile 1. And there was a beer station at mile 2. Well a beer garden, they had it gated off so people couldn't leave the given area with a beer. We didn't stop because we were wanting to make good time, but there were lots of people stopping to cash in one of their two beer tickets. After we finished, (
time info here) we stood at the end watching all the people come in. We saw some pretty funny costumes. We were actually waiting for Kyle's friend (the guys who won last year) to come across. We had briefling spotted them right before the race started... well we spotted their 6'x6' walking ROCK! LOL
Here's a UPS guy chasing his package:

I liked this bee and bee keeper. Oh and the 80's gals on the side.

This poor dog....

And the Black-Eyed Peas!

These guys were dressed up as "Minnesota Road Construction"

We waited and waited and still didn't see Kyle's friend. So we decided to get in the SUPER long beer and lunch line.... Once we cashed in our tickets for drink and food, we went over to sit on the lawn just as the costume contest began.

Then we did see Kyle's friend... who actually won AGAIN this year. Here they are 'Indiana Jones' with their winning prize - the beer mugs.

And yes there is a person inside of the rock, he has it down now, but when he's standing you can see his feet underneath. They actually walked the whole 5K... Kyle asked if they stopped at the beer garden, but he said it was closed when they went past.