Monday, September 27, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new!

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I needed new tires last year... but I said I was going to make it one more winter without getting new tires. I wasn't sure how long my car would live. My good ol' Jeep Cherokee has made quite the journey thus far. I bought it back in 2004, before I moved to New York.... so it drove across the eastern part of the country to Long Island New York, a few trips to Cape Cod, then Boston, and a trip to Washington DC while I lived there. Then it made it's way back to Missouri (oh I got new tires when I lived in NY... which are these tires I have on it)
old tires

After coming to Missouri, it's made a trip to Omaha, Colorado, and many trips back and forth from Springfield to Kansas City. Then it made a trip to Atlanta, GA... then to Orlando, Florida. Then back and forth from Atlanta to Missouri a few times. Then it took a long trip from Atlanta to Minneapolis. After moving to Minneapolis it became retired in the status of 'the traveler' and was replaced by Kyle's Jeep. It has still taken me a few times to Missouri and back when Kyle stayed home and I made the trip alone with Harpo. It's been a good ol' Jeep and I wasn't too sure how long it was going to last me. We've been thinking about the possibility of having to get a new car, but we both would really like to get all that we can out of my Jeep.

Look at this tread, it is pretty bad. I knew I wouldn't be able to make another winter up here with tires like this.
old tires2

It wasn't until the other day Kyle came across this article (10 Cars that Refuse to Die) and the light bulb went off telling us this car could really last us a while... so it is probably worth getting new tires, keeping things fixed, and helping it to live a nice, long life.

So I got new tires today!!! Look at this tread!
new tires

I love you little black Jeep Cherokee!!!

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