Saturday, January 23, 2021

Christmas 2020

This year we went all out and got matching family Christmas Jammies! LOL. 
Christmas morning came bright and early. Santa brought his one gift for each kiddo and filled the stockings. 

After presents were opened it was a low key day with toy playing and just hanging around. 

Emma got her L.O.L. dolls she had hoped for. 

My favorite gift was this egg dispenser. Easy to keep track of oldest egg, take from the bottom, put new eggs in the top. 

Isaac got laser tag that was fun for the whole family. 

Thomas got a fun baby shark to play with in the bath, from Grandma Cindy. 

The girls got these fun hair turbans for after baths/showers. 


Second half of December 2020

With the kids being on remote school after Thanksgiving, it was quickly apparent that we needed to get Thomas in another day of school. His preschool wasn't taking mid-year enrollment but they ddid have a Child Day Out program on Thursdays. This worked out perfectly for us. I got him signed up and on Thursdays he'd attend from 9:30am til 1:30pm for the remainder of the school year. This is known as his Thursday class and we get to pack him a lunch. Drop off looks a little different, I have to walk him inside, but it's in the same building, just a different teacher for this day. He loves it. 

I posted about the kids piano recital, but I forgot to share about our drive through lights experience we did after the recital. It was really fun and lots of lights! 

Had to take a photo of the Cargill sponsored display: 

Made cookies with the kids one Saturday, with our neighbor friend Talas. We made stained glass short bread cookies. 

The following week we made LOTS of cookies on Monday and Tuesday and made up some tins to take to our neighbors. Last minute idea, but super fun. 

Christmas Eve came. We got all dressed up and went to our church's Christmas Eve candle light service. With covid it had been so long since we'd been to church. Felt so good to be back. 

After church we carried on with our tradition of Christmas Eve Sushi! 


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Isaac's 9th Birthday


Isaac turned NINE! Last year of single digits. It was a Friday, he had remote school. I had attended a 5:30am barre class that morning so picked up donuts on my way home for his breakfast. 

Since he had school all day, we did presents that morning. 


He was pretty excited about this from Grandma Cindy, we got it. set up later that day for his afternoon recess play. 

Dinner was Isaac's choice and he wanted sushi. The kids hadn't had sushi since moving to Wichita, not like our big city sushi but it'll do. 

Stop at a NEW neighborhood bakery on the way home. They are just around the street from us and this night happened to be their grand opening. So far the oatmeal creme cookies are our favorite! The kids enjoyed ice cream. 

Couldn't let the night end without the traditional block age photos, lol. He's a goofball. 

The next morning I made him a special breakfast again, French toast with whipped cream. This breakfast has quite the story with it being one of the first meals he took to lunch one day at school. 

All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.