This summer we decided to take on the garage project... not really a fun thing but something that needed to be done. We had some trim on the north side that was rotting and needed replaced, our garage entry door was a mess, and while we were at it we decided we just needed to give it a whole make-over.
I was not so good at getting before and after pictures. I did manage to get before and after of the new door. We had bought a keypad entry knob a year ago and it stopped working this past winter. Luckily it was still under warranty so they sent us a new one! And it was great incentive to replace the entire door before installing the new knob. And of course we were able to get rid of the old door on craigslist :-) (We installed the door and scrapped white trim paint the weekend of August 2nd & 3rd)
Before of the door:
Before and After: We used vinyl trim, screws will get painted later.
Last weekend on my birthday we started to replace the garage window. The window had been boarded up when bought the house so it felt good to finally get to that project. (very low on our list obviously since we lived 6 years without it).
This pictures is from 2009, the siding isn't as faded as it currently was, but I was trying to find a picture of the window we replaced
Window in without trim around it
Then this weekend Kyle took some days off (yesterday and today) to get some work done. He actually got home early on Friday and we managed to finish the window and get the hand painting done on the garage. Then Saturday we painted the garage in the morning and fixed the soffit trim in the afternoon. Sunday Kyle replaced the trim around the garage door! We got a LOT done even before his days off! Yesterday he cleaned and we both stained our deck - one year to the day of when we built it. It was a very productive weekend! Today we hit up the State Fair. So our to do list on the garage is down to painting the white trim. The new soffit and window trim will have to wait a few months anyway because it's treated wood.
Took these Friday evening after I had done the hand painting. So it looks funny but you can see how faded the siding was. We actually only painted three sides, because the north side wasn't faded at all and the color we got closely resembles it.
(Before) Garage trim off and hand painting partially done
(Before) Window trim put on but not painted, siding hand painting partially done
Paint done! It looks SOO much better!
New soffit trim piece: (You can see the old piece still sticking up, we need to cut that down and stick it in our garbage can)
Painted and garage trim on:
Stained deck: