Tonight we went to our church's 4:00 Christmas Eve service. Isaac was an angel. We were wondering how it's go so we sat in the back with all the other infant and toddler families and close access to the crying room with the feeding corner.
We left home about 2:45 because we wanted to run by Menards since they were having 50% off Christmas sale and we wanted to get a stocking for Isaac. It didn't take us as long as we thought because we were at church by 3:30. I knew since we had left early that as soon as Isaac woke up he'd be hungry and sure enough as soon as the music was finished and Dave started speaking Isaac was ready for dinner :-P but he didn't scream and cry. We just gracefully walked to the feeding corner in the cry room, fed him, then came back out to our seats. He loved looking around, he had a facial expression of: "wow, where are we?"
Then after the service we loaded up, picked up some take out Thai food, and came home. Pretty uneventful, but so very eventful all at the same time! ;-)
ETA: I almost forgot! Isaac was ripping some major baby farts during service! It was so funny hearing toots during church. He had both Kyle and I cracking up!
Here he is at the start of the service snoozing in his car seat.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
2 week check up
I haven't blogged much lately. Not much new to blog about. Kyle's parents were in town for the weekend, it was so wonderful to see them interact with Isaac and we also ate some great food :-)
Isaac is quite the spitter upper... so he has officially become a bib boy. Looks like I should have made a few more back when we were waiting on him :-) I'll try and crank out some more if I get a chance. He has still been eating good and sleeping good. He is such a sweetheart!
Pediatrician visit was today, weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz, 21.5 inches and head was 14 7/8th. He's a growing boy! I also liked the pediatrician we met!!!
Umm that's about it, here's a cute lil smile I captured today:
Isaac is quite the spitter upper... so he has officially become a bib boy. Looks like I should have made a few more back when we were waiting on him :-) I'll try and crank out some more if I get a chance. He has still been eating good and sleeping good. He is such a sweetheart!
Pediatrician visit was today, weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz, 21.5 inches and head was 14 7/8th. He's a growing boy! I also liked the pediatrician we met!!!
Umm that's about it, here's a cute lil smile I captured today:
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas lights
We set the penguins out today. That about completes our outdoor Christmas decor. Now if we get a tree or not.....
Busy bees
We've been busy bees this morning. Isaac had a six hour stretch of sleep last night! Then he'd wake up eat and go right back to sleep. Honestly I feel a little more tired today having all that rest last night.
Kyle and I did a few things around the house in preparation for Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Del's visit this weekend. We had some brew gear that got super dirty throughout the basement construction. We cleaned that up and got it put away in our wet bar cabinets.
Kyle has always hated our house numbers and we had got a new plate the weekend before Isaac was born. Kyle hung that today in place of the old numbers.
All the while Isaac has been enjoying our work from the warm comfy, cozy, spot in the K'Tan carrier. He seems to like it in there especially when I am up moving around.
Kyle and I did a few things around the house in preparation for Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Del's visit this weekend. We had some brew gear that got super dirty throughout the basement construction. We cleaned that up and got it put away in our wet bar cabinets.
Kyle has always hated our house numbers and we had got a new plate the weekend before Isaac was born. Kyle hung that today in place of the old numbers.
All the while Isaac has been enjoying our work from the warm comfy, cozy, spot in the K'Tan carrier. He seems to like it in there especially when I am up moving around.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Moving into week two
Yesterday and today we just laid low around the house. Isaac has been up a little more during the day and eating what seems like ALL the time. We're wondering if it's a growth spurt he's hitting.
They only did foot prints in the hospital and I had been wanting to do our own handprints so we did that today. He wasn't really happy about that :-P
We also got the rest of our Christmas lights together. Put the little tree lights out in the yard and assembled the penguins we got two years ago on clearance. I was hoping to wait til after the snow to put our ground decorations out... but by the looks of things that might not even happen in time for Christmas. We have had te weirdest warmest weather lately. It is very unusual for it to be Dec 12th and not have much snow on the ground.
Here he is relaxin' yesterday morning:
They only did foot prints in the hospital and I had been wanting to do our own handprints so we did that today. He wasn't really happy about that :-P
We also got the rest of our Christmas lights together. Put the little tree lights out in the yard and assembled the penguins we got two years ago on clearance. I was hoping to wait til after the snow to put our ground decorations out... but by the looks of things that might not even happen in time for Christmas. We have had te weirdest warmest weather lately. It is very unusual for it to be Dec 12th and not have much snow on the ground.
Here he is relaxin' yesterday morning:

Saturday, December 10, 2011
6 days old
I woke up this morning remembering one week ago. A week ago I watched the sun begin to light the sky from our labor & delivery room, wondering if this baby was ever going to come. I remember losing a little hope seeing the sun come up and my body hadn't made any progress since we had checked in to the hospital 5 hours earlier. It was a weird feeling I had this morning. One week ago was an amazing event, an event I hope to never forget.
Today it feels like that was so long ago. I'm happy because we have a beautiful baby boy in our arms but also sadden a little that he's already a week old, he's no longer in my belly (it took a few days to not think those little muscle twitches were him moving around), and that our lives are forever changed. Hormones are still running amuck with me. Kyle has been doing great, super dad in a way. Taking care of the house, spending good time with Isaac as I rest or soak my bottom in the tub as instructed by my midwife. Today he kinda hit a wall so we're hoping a good nights rest will help with his spirits. I think this is why they say the "first two weeks are always the hardest". We were starting to wonder because it had been so good... But I'm starting to see lack of sleep, baby newness ohhhh and ahhhh wearing off and just plan wear down ourselves. We pray for strength, rest, and patience.
We hit a few milestones today:
*first outing (well second if you count the pediatrician visit) to target. I had to run to the pharmacy then we needed a few things so we ran into Target. Left Isaac in his carseat and just put him in a cart. He did great as long as we were moving. Boy it was a mad house there!!
*Isaac's umbilical cord fell off, well most of it. It looks like there is still some goop in his belly button. It was hanging on by a tiny thread most of the day then when I changed him tonight it had fallen off.
*we have moved on to size 1 diapers. Used the last newborn diaper today, they were getting a little snug so we ran out just in time. Tomorrow I plan to do cloth again so Isaac can support our team in his chiefs diaper cover :-D
*And I caught him sucking his thumb as we headed up to bed for the night. :-)
Today it feels like that was so long ago. I'm happy because we have a beautiful baby boy in our arms but also sadden a little that he's already a week old, he's no longer in my belly (it took a few days to not think those little muscle twitches were him moving around), and that our lives are forever changed. Hormones are still running amuck with me. Kyle has been doing great, super dad in a way. Taking care of the house, spending good time with Isaac as I rest or soak my bottom in the tub as instructed by my midwife. Today he kinda hit a wall so we're hoping a good nights rest will help with his spirits. I think this is why they say the "first two weeks are always the hardest". We were starting to wonder because it had been so good... But I'm starting to see lack of sleep, baby newness ohhhh and ahhhh wearing off and just plan wear down ourselves. We pray for strength, rest, and patience.
We hit a few milestones today:
*first outing (well second if you count the pediatrician visit) to target. I had to run to the pharmacy then we needed a few things so we ran into Target. Left Isaac in his carseat and just put him in a cart. He did great as long as we were moving. Boy it was a mad house there!!
*Isaac's umbilical cord fell off, well most of it. It looks like there is still some goop in his belly button. It was hanging on by a tiny thread most of the day then when I changed him tonight it had fallen off.
*we have moved on to size 1 diapers. Used the last newborn diaper today, they were getting a little snug so we ran out just in time. Tomorrow I plan to do cloth again so Isaac can support our team in his chiefs diaper cover :-D
*And I caught him sucking his thumb as we headed up to bed for the night. :-)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Friday: Day 5
What a busy day for us! Home health visit nurse came. Mom and Isaac are doing GREAT! Spitting up has improved! He must have just needed a day or two to get used to mommy's milk :)
Isaac weighed in at 8 lbs 3 oz!!! So the spitting up hasn't really effected his eating too much.
Then we had his newborn photo shoot with Megan (Megan Crown Photography). Photo shoots are hard for little guys, but I know she got some great pictures. We all were pooped after that. Glad to just lay low with no plans for the next few days!!
PS: I am blogging from my phone, wondering how this will work. I think that will be easiest for these short update posts.
Isaac weighed in at 8 lbs 3 oz!!! So the spitting up hasn't really effected his eating too much.
Then we had his newborn photo shoot with Megan (Megan Crown Photography). Photo shoots are hard for little guys, but I know she got some great pictures. We all were pooped after that. Glad to just lay low with no plans for the next few days!!
PS: I am blogging from my phone, wondering how this will work. I think that will be easiest for these short update posts.
ETA: we have found a routine in Isaac's wake schedule (well routine for now... it constantly changes) when we hear him a poopin' then we know he's about to wake up :-P
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Baby Isaac is HERE!!!!
As the days hazily pass us by I realize I should be getting some of these stories, thoughts, and feelings down to look back on one day. Because heaven knows I'm not going to remember :-) That's why when people ask what it's like to have a new baby at home everyone answers "really those first few weeks are a blur" So please excuse the lack of pictures, although I'll try and get some on here from my phone. The ones on my camera... well those will be staying put for a while.
Birth story is a story of it's own and one I've told a few times so I'll come back to that.
Baby Isaac was born Sunday, December 4th, 2011 at 3:46am. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 1 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. He has unusually large feet :-) that barely fit on the footprint paper they use in the hospital.
Sunday morning two or so hours after he arrived we were taken to our room in the BirthPlace. It was so confusing since it was dark out and 7:00... and felt like 7pm but it was indeed 7am. The hospital was nice to just recover in, bleed on their bed, order up food when we were hungry. But what we didn't like was getting walked in on ever chance we tried to catch some shut eye. We had some amazing nurses, all who were lactation certified. The first nurses to help baby Isaac breastfeed felt to 'man handle' me and him a little... but it was all in good health and it helped him learned. He didn't feed right out of the birth canal, it wasn't really until 11am that they got him latching on (forcefully) he was kinda like "WTH is this" ;-)
then the next feeding he was more like "oh okay so this is a regular thing"
by the third feeding he was "give me more!"
Needless to say he was a good eater. In the hospital they tell you how many wet/black diapers to expect... first day: one of each. Isaac's tally: FOUR of each! We were thinking what the heck is going on?!? But they just kept saying "Oh that's great! He's eating good then" Sunday night we had our first 'non-staff' visitors (I work in the hospital I delivered in, had one co-worker come visit and the nurses from labor and delivery come up to see as us well). Michelle and Enoch came to see us. We had our first peed on diaper change during their visit, weren't they lucky to witness this :-)
Monday we were tired... the night seemed long with them coming to check on us. It seemed like as soon as we'd get baby Isaac sleeping hard enough to put him in his bassinet next to us someone would come in. He was taken out of the room once, I was okay with this since it was four in the morning and he was sleeping anyway. they took him to do the tests they do after the 24 hour mark: hearing screening (which is just a little ear plug they put in their ear - I've seen it done on kids many of times and they like for them to be quiet (sleeping) during this), heel poke to draw labs for metabolic testing, and also a jaundice test they run on their forehead. Well turns out that forehead jaundice reading as a little high so they checked his blood - only one heel poke, that second test just added in. His blood jaundice reading came back normal.
Monday we were ready to leave, I was seen by the midwife and she gave me the okay as long as the pediatrician gave Isaac that okay to go home. Which he did, but since we were leaving 'early' and he had a high jaundice reading he wanted us to go to our pediatrician on Wednesday to get it rechecked. We were okay with that.
As zombies we got all loaded up, put Isaac in his car seat (for the first time!!!!) and was on our way. we arrived to the hospital= no snow; we leave hospital=4 or so inches on the ground - snow that will stay until March.
Monday evening we were blessed enough by Michelle, when she dropped Harpo off that morning she also left a crock pot of goodness going and bread in the bread maker. It smelt amazing!!! We are so blessed for great friends!
Honestly I'm already forgetting that night.... we unpacked and took care of Isaac I assume... nothing too exciting.
I'm going to try and remember as much as I can. Baby Isaac is such a good sleeper the first few days were basically just getting used to having him home and feeding, changing him then holding him while he slept :-) it was SO EASY! ;-)
Tuesday we did have a poop catastrophy, lol. He did not like getting his diaper changed. So we decided if we change it when we switch boobs - mid feeding, then after the second boob feed he'd be sleepy and go right back to sleep... well the first time we tried this we caught him mid-poop. Covered him back up and waiting til he finished. Not sure why this didn't serve as warning because we tried it again... except this time it was a LOT more poop and then he started spitting up as well! Our laughing turned to crying (well I was) because of too much bodily secretions! We learned NOT to change him mid feedings and either do it before or well after a feeding, lol. He also got a little crusty eye this day and daddy quickly determined it was a blocked tear duct and to massage the nose to help work it out (today, Thursday, no crusties so he was right!) Kyle has been an amazing daddy so far! He has really helped us out as I am just a milk factory. Kyle has become the burp factory as well :-) I love my family!
Okay before I start crying again lets try and get these other days out so I can take a nap!
Wednesday was the outing day, we needed to get to the pediatrician, and while we were out I needed to run into target to get some other nursing bras/tanks. We fed right before, Isaac slept all the way there and was such a good boy during the appointment. Weighing in at 7 lbs 13 oz. He didn't get his jaundice (heel poke) re-checked because she said he looked great. At this point he did have a little rash forming on his chin (but again today, Thursday no rash)
We then drove across the road to Target... boy did I feel like a zombie and why was it so CROWDED!! Walked was a little rough as I was quite sore. Since it was nursing bras, I had to go since Kyle wouldn't be able to pick it out. So Kyle stayed in the car, Isaac was pretty sleeping if not asleep at this point. I ran in got: oranges, pads, nursing bra, two nursing tanks, fruit snacks (craving), and a NEW bed for Isaac! So the story behind that is we had a pack and play upstairs we bought many moons ago, that he would sleep in while up in our room since our room is upstairs in the half story. Well we put him in it the first night and it just did not seem comfortable. It wasn't a complete loss as it is a travel pack and play that we will get much use out of in the future just not now. So we purchased a Rock and Play that I had heard great things about. They had ONE boy one left! There were about 7 butterfly ones and no plain ones left in the section... I was hoping to be lucky so I looked through the butterfly ones just incase and found one plain one. Thank you Lord!!!
We came home, rested, hung out, don't really remember the rest. Kyle read some articles for school, I cleaned the upstairs (not sure why but it was on my mind) Got Isaac set up in his rock and play. He is such a good sleeper!! OH I remember now, our friends Rachel & Nick came over and brought us dinner! Such wonderful friends!!
Wednesday night went awesome, we got a routine down (for this one night I assume) but the rock and play was awesome. Isaac had started spitting up Wednesday as my milk was coming in and the rock and play helped to keep him elevated enough that spitting up wasn't as bad. he still did once after each feeding. But Thursday morning I felt refreshed getting roughly 4 hours of sleep (obviously not all at once) there isn't really much for Kyle to do during the night since it's just feeding, changing a diaper, and putting him back in his bassinet so I let Kyle sleep. One of us might as well get a good nights rest and he also had class the next night and I didn't want him to be miserable during that.
Today! Yeah I made it I'm trucking through this I just want to get it out before I forget :-P
Today was a little rougher, meaning Isaac didn't just sleep the whole day. He is spitting up like I said so we are trying to be good about keeping him elevated well after a feeding, I've switched to just doing one boob at a feeding and he seems to increase his feedings now that I look at our log. We also broke out the cloth diapers today, just for fun ;-) but that meant more changes since he can feel the wetness more (which is a good thing because it's crazy how long a disposable can stay on - not good really. And we dirtied a lot more laundry with the spit ups. But we're just going to have to deal because that's how it is. he's still a very happy baby, I feel bad when he's crying because he needs to burp or poop or fart or spit up :-(
Honestly today I feel like he has gotten bigger. We have an OB nurse coming for a home visit tomorrow (it's free when you leave the hospital before the 48 hr mark, YES!) She'll weigh him and just see how things are going with us, although when they called today it was pretty much a visit that covered everything anyway.
I didn't nap today, last nights good rest could be deceiving, we'll see how tonight goes. Oh Kyle left for class tonight, the first time he's away. We miss him! Another friend, Brandi, brought over some dinner tonight, we are so blessed.
We also learned today that Isaac loves music and books! Wait yesterday we learned he loves books! But today he was fussy after a feeding because of this whole spitting up, so I laid him down in his crib to get my K'Tan sling on to put him in (which he is in right now as I type all this up) I hit the little music button on the mobile my brother loaned us, it was classical music. I start putting the sling on and I look down and he's SLEEPING! haha. Since then I turn on the music when I do his diaper change and he seems to enjoy the change more, he even went through a whole one without crying. Oh yeah and we put a binder under the changing pad to help it be a little more elevated, I think that helps too.
Alright that's our update through Day 5. We better get our rest as tomorrow is a big day. Home health nurse visit then family photos! Megan is coming to the house to do newborn pictures.
Oh I do have one other picture uploaded on the computer. It's of his beautiful long eyelashes!
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