It's amazing I've been able to keep up with blogging. We don't have a ton going on but still seem to be keeping busy nonstop.
I think I posted about Isaac's first game on April 19th. Here's another photo from that evening I didn't put in my last post.
Couple pictures shared by school: Isaac learning about compost on Earth day and Emma in Yellow for Y day (they are doing a reverse alphabet countdown to the last day of school since this grade missed it in Kindergarten due to covid).
Friday April 22nd I reflected on how great it's been to pick up Thomas, due to covid they have always done a drive through drop off and pick up. I remembered how physically exhausting it was dropping off Isaac in St Louis Park, wearing the girls front and back and climbing two flights of stairs. Then it was the same for the girls, I'd wear Thomas and have to get him out of his car seat walk a block from our parking spot to the preschool, up stairs to their room to drop them off at the door. Good things have come from covid.
I also took the screen windows off the kitchen bay windows. Our house gets SO hot! It's typically ten degrees hotter than outside, it felt so night opening these windows for the first time in 2.5 years HAHA! Should have took off the glass screens years ago. There is unpainted trim under them I need to try and pain brown but we don't plan to put them back on before we sell. It's nice sitting in the bay window seat with the breeze.
Also before Easter I came across this wreath my mom made for our wedding 13 years ago, in storage. It was falling apart but I glued it back together and hung it on our front door for Easter.
Saturday April 23rd we went to the Wichita Art Museum one last time.
That evening Kyle and I had a date night. We found a new sitter we were trying out because we needed her next week for a week night event. The kids really enjoyed her (Carlie). Kyle and I went back to Elderslie's. It's a farm to table type place about 20 miles north (middle of no where) It's good food... but way over priced, shitty portions and just not worth it IMO. We can't wait to get back to Minneapolis where we can find GOOD food for a date night. We don't mind spending a lot when it's worth it. But the service was shitty and just disappointed (again) gave it two shots. The bottle of wine was good at least, LOL, overpriced as well.
Monday April 25th Isaac had a practice. Kyle had work thing so I took all the kids and they played at the park while Isaac practiced. I had also listed our couch that afternoon and couldn't believe the amount of people interested. I ended up selling it that night for over what I had it posted as! They came once we were home from practice. Good bye couch, we bought this when we bought our first home in 2008! It's lived a long good life!
After practice Isaac's tooth was about to fall out! He lost it the following morning, he woke up to it hanging out in his mouth. Glad he didn't swallow it. (He gets his braces off in a couple weeks!!)
He had another game last Tuesday on April 26th, this time it wasn't so late, it was a 6:00 game and after dinner I met Kyle and him there with the other kids. Isaac has his own cheering section.
We started to get some work done on the house Wednesday, they are replacing and painting some exterior trip. So that meant we had to take Harpo for a walk when we got home from zoo day. He liked it and Emma enjoyed it too. We need to do this more often.
Thursday, April 28th was my last shift of doing the biometric screening work I have done for the YMCA. I usually pick up 1-2 shifts a month. I have enjoyed it.
Also run club came to an end. We have our 5K race this weekend. I made these for all the teachers that volunteered their time running with the kids. I really enjoyed getting to be a part of it.