Friday, May 31, 2024

Manic May - 11th-17th

 Wow when did May become just a crazy, crazy month. Nearing the end of school I guess everyone thinks they need to pack everything in at once AND well having four kids in four sports/activities can do it as well.

Saturday filled with baseball, soccer tournament, final dog walking class (that was postponed from previous week) and more baseball. 

First up was Thomas's baseball game, Kyle coaches. Emma went with a friend to her first soccer game (30 minutes away) Oakely came with us to the baseball game because I left straight from there to head to his final walking class which was outdoors at a lake in St. Paul. 



Oakley got a quick nap on the way to class. Then enjoyed a treat on the way home. 


Quick stop at home then Mary and I got back in the van with Oakley to take him to get a bath. I'd been looking forward to this self-wash to open up near our house and they did the week before. We got a membership to take him and get his bath every two weeks. 

Mary being silly with him:


The dog wash happens to be right next to Bogarts Doughnut so can't help but stop in there! 

We dropped the dog off at home then headed to Isaac's game, which ironically his team sponsor is miracle mile and that's the shopping center where the dog wash and doughnut place is. 

After baseball we took the whole fam and the friend who Emma rode with that morning to the evening soccer game. 


Late dinner that night downtown at Black Sheep. Took FOREVER for us to get our food. But one of the kids wanted me to take this photo because they said it looked like a face. 

Also that weekend the northern lights were seen from ALL over. We missed it the night before but since we were up so late we think we caught a glimpse. As we left the pizza place we noticed the sky was greenish. Then when we got home I could totally see some but they were muted with the city lights (we are RIGHT in the middle of Minneapolis). Wish we would have planned ahead to made it up north a bit to see them better. Someday. 

Sunday was Mother's Day and also an early soccer game for Emma. Kyle took her, leaving the house at 6:45. I took the other kiddos to church. We got home and Kyle had aired up the paddle boards and had flowers for me. 

Mary had found some morel mushrooms in our yard and our neighbors and was saving them. I cooked them up for us. 

Kyle and I went to an art fair in our neighborhood then attempted to take Oakley out on the paddle board. 

We didn't get far, but it was fun. He fell in a couple of times and kind of looked freaked out, but eventually I bet he'll love it. 

Then we headed to the beach! It was a hot day. 

Kids being goofs in the tree. 

Monday, Mary shared her mushroom story with her teacher and her teacher gave her this poster :-) Also girls on the run on Monday. 

More runs to the spoon & cherry.

Tuesday I went on a field trip with the girls' fourth grade class. We went to the history center then walked to the state capital. 



Isaac also had a track meet that afternoon. Kyle got to go to this one since he was traveling last time. The kids and I showed up just I time to see him run the 100, but then had to leave to get Mary to her first softball game. 

Oakley in tow to softball to get out of the house. 

Wednesday I had a fun note waiting for me at work

Then Girls on the Run practice! We spent a lot of practices using tulle as lap counters to make tutus for our final 5K unity item. 

Thursday soccer way out in Victoria! I think Isaac probably had a baseball game. A lot of dividing and conquering so ya just get photos from one side. 

Friday baseball! Ended short due to rain I believe. 

All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.