Friday, May 31, 2024

One week in May 4th-9th


As I mentioned in the birthday post, the car was getting some work done. Well what happened was I got a text from Kyle "the car is smoking" this was no good. I think this was a Wednesday when I was already at work in the van and he was taking Isaac to school. With how hectic our life is we would not make it with one car... it stopped and things were okay. I can't remember the timeline exactly but I think we were okay for a few days then noticed it again so he made an appointment to bring it in. Or maybe it was the very next day, I don't remember. Anyway I think it was a Thursday he took it in and was going to just work at the dealership and wait on the car. The guy was like sure you don't want to take that car instead of waiting and points to this super fancy convertible. So Kyle takes it... then Friday still no word (oh btw it was rainy these days) and he finally hears from the that it should be ready Monday so we get the car for the whole weekend. The kids loved it, lol. 

Thomas riding in it with the top down after his elementary building tour.

Morning views before a swim.

Saturday of the girls sleepover, it was rainy so morning things were cancelled but Isaac's afternoon baseball still happened. Then we went out to eat and walked around Loring park while the kids played at the playground. 

Dog photos! 

Sunday I went for a long run (5 miles that's long for me) I had been meaning to get over to the tulip house in uptown but hadn't yet so decided to just run to it because it was almost past tulip time. 


Ran to the sculpture garden and back up the hill. 

The pots in the back I planted with plants from the school's plant sale. 

Thomas FINALLY had a game, the rain has not been in his team's favor and Isaac has games but Thomas's kept getting rained out and he was taking it personal. 

Morning view

Tuesday night band concert. I went to the concert, Emma had a soccer game and Mary had softball practice. 

Busy week cuz Wednesday was our girls on the run practice 5K and I love going all out for it, everything ready the night before. Then Oakley and I relaxing after I got home from work and the window before I go to coach GOTR. 

Oh I also flew my drone quick to see if I could see the flowers at the fountain... not really from overhead. 

All my balloons popped!! As soon as we got them set up. 

It was still great fun!


The next day I attended a Girls on the Run fundraiser luncheon. So fun. 

Then Thomas had a rocket launch at school that afternoon. Check out the videos. 


Also in this same day the girls had a music concert. 


Then finally dinner and baseball. 

And that was just ONE week in May, oofdah. More to come. 

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