On Wednesday the girls turned another month old! This past month went by fast it seems, maybe now that they are one time is just going to fly even faster.
The biggest change in the last month is that Mary is walking. She is so proud walking all over the house. It's nice because it's slowed her down again, she was becoming quite the speedy crawler. Emma is taking a step here and there but not too much interest yet.
Mary still doesn't have teeth but I think they are close. Emma is getting two more in that we just noticed today.
Emma loves to call out Isaac's name and it's getting pretty clear. They are both happy, adorable girls!
When I got the blocks out and set up, it was so cute to see how excited Emma was! As soon as I set her on the couch for her photo she was beaming with joy, too fast to actual capture it but here was the tail end of her excitement
I've mentioned before how Mary uses her middle finger to point at things. This photo cracks me up!
They are busy little bees
Isaac wanted in the photo too... but by this point no one was sitting still
They are also starting to like books even more, here's Mary the other day while the others were napping.
Friday night we were enjoying the evening and playing out front for a little bit. The girls love climbing and sitting in chairs. They had been climbing up and down these chairs all night but they climbed up together and were so cute. So of course I had to run inside and grab my camera!
Emma's new teeth are bugging her, as if you can't tell by how she has her tongue out of her mouth so much
And all three.