Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Beach fun

Yesterday I braved it and took all three kids to the beach by myself. We didn't really get many beach visits in last year... if any and Isaac has been talking about going to the beach for the past six months! So since it was suppose to be such a hot day yesterday I wanted to take them. We arrived about 9:45 and only lasted about 2 hours. It was warm, but since it was morning it was nicer than it was later in the afternoon.

They all loved playing in the sand, and boy did they get messy! Sand was everywhere. Since it was just me I set up camp away from the water not sure how the girls were going to be. But they loved playing in the sand they were good about staying close by and in the shade of our umbrella. They did however like to EAT the sand, yuck!

Isaac and I went in the water a little bit, just enough to get our legs wet and fill up our play bucket.

I started off with the girls in their clothes, then realized I left one of the swim diapers back in the car. Which made it easier because I had an excuse not to get everyone in the water. As soon as I got our umbrella up I started layering everyone up with sunscreen. Seriously it took me more time to unload, get everyone dressed, pack up, and get everyone cleaned off than time I spent actually relaxing. Luckily the kids could play the entire time, just a lot of work for me!
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Seeing how dirty they were getting I decided to take their shirts off and put their swim shirts on so we had something clean to go back to the car in. I had one diaper for each so I decided just to change them right before we left. I did go dip them in the water right before we left to get most of the dirt off.
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Emma loved her feet in the hole I dug :-)
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I then gave the girls a little snack on the towel. Isaac was too busy playing in the sand, he had his snack on the walk back to the van. The girls ended up getting their grapes and crackers covered in sand, it was so gross. But kids will be kids I guess. Haha! Excited to go back with dad when we have enough hands to actually get in the water to swim!


1 comment:

Lesa Herrmann said...

I love that you aren't afraid to get out and all of them get dirty and have fun! Yesterday was a perfect day for the beach too!

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