Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November Photo Dump (Including Thanksgiving)

The day of our GOTR 5K was the start of Sunday soccer. Emma and Thomas wanted to do soccer but there aren't any leagues right now, so instead I got them signed up for a skills clinic that is 6 or 8 weeks on Sundays for an hour. This I the same one Isaac did 4 years ago. 

HAHA gotta share these funny videos of the kids at the front door. 

We had a nice snowy week the middle of November. This was November 14th and it snowed everyday that week. Turkey's across from school. 

Monday night BSF. 

I enjoy walking down to the lake on my walk home from walking the kids to school. 

Thursday night Nov 17th our school had a Smarts+Arts night, there were math games and we got to see the kids artwork in the hallways. 

We made it down to the Minnesota Zoo over the weekend on November 19th. Here's the wolf taking a nap.

We stopped in to watch the bird show.

Quick trip by REI on the way home for Kyle to pick up some cycle shoes... we waited in the car. Of course Thomas had to pee... lol.

Oh this was from Church a few weeks prior. 

Isaac's instrument for 5th grade band is the trombone. He got to bring it home, however doesn't quite know how to play it yet. 

Thanksgiving this year was pretty uneventful and that's okay. I worked Mon, Tue, Wed - had off Thursday then was working again on Friday. So we didn't do much, but planned a full meal for dinner. Lots of playing games after we watched the parade. 

Our old neighbor's (one with twins the same age as ours) invited us over for her annual turkey hunt. She puts out feathers around the yards and the kids have a race to find the first 'turkey'. Kinda like Easter Egg hunting. Each kid had a deignated number to find and there were 7 feathers of that number. They were hidden based on age and there were two age groups for the winner categories. 

Mary was the first done in the older age group (8+) Everyone got a cookie and candy, Mary's special gift was a gift card. 

It was a fun time. Quick little activity to break up the day. We went back home and got our turkey in the oven. Thankfully we were able to get just a 15 pound turkey with Kyle's annual coupon. We had cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, corn on the cob, and homemade rolls. All requests from the kids. 

Saturday we went with the neighbor girl twins to roller skate. 

And we got some lights up outside.  Not entirely happy with it... Maybe next year we'll do something else. I kinda want to get them up I the top of the tree, but we missed our warm window. It's snowing right now as I write this on November 29th, we are suppose to get about 5" or so. I think more the way it's coming down. We had no snow at 6:30am when I let Harpo out then it looked like the below picture when it was time to take the kids to school. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

November weekend: Science Museum & GOTR 5K

Last weekend was a busy one. Saturday I had an entry ticket to a ski swap. So went during my allotted time and bought a pair of cross country skis, poles, and books. We had already found Kyle some skis and poles. He just needed boots which he got the next weekend. We are skiing as a family and the kids will have rented equipment this first year. I'm excited to go cuz we can go out on our nearby lake once the ice freezes. 

Then we went over to the science museum for an afternoon visit. 

Sunday morning was our long awaited GOTR (Girls on the Run) 5K! This was our BIG celebration to finish out the 8/9 week season. It was at the State Fair Grounds and had all the local chapters 70+ groups ran in the 5K weekend. Saturday they were held in Duluth and Rochester. Girls arrived early with me at about 7:50am. Emma got her hair spray painted. 

And face painted

Attempt at a group photo, it was pretty chaotic. But so glad they moved the initial meet up point indoors it was suppose to be outdoors but it was a chilly one!

My amazing team of co-coaches!

Our former nanny: Emily came to run with Mary. I was Emma's running buddy.

Let the run begin!

It was a run walk event but it was so funny to watch Mary dart ahead then Emily would have to sprint to catch up. They got their interval workout in for the day, lol. 

So proud of these girls and it was SO fun to focus on them this day and put my coaching duty to the side since all the girls had their own running buddies. 


All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.