Tuesday, November 8, 2022

NYC Day 5 Travel home day Roosevelt Island Tram

It was our last day, day 5 in NYC but really day 7 since we had the first couple days up north for the wedding. We were beat! We got our luggage all packed up, left our suitcases at the front desk and headed to Roosevelt Island. We wanted to ride the tram, so we took the train PAST the island and then walked down to the tram to take it to RI.

I had to dig up a photo of my cousins from almost 20 years ago, HA! 

They required us to wear masks and it was way crowded than it used to be. 

Such a fun way to see the city. 

We got to see Patty again, she was so gracious to offer us a ride to the airport. I helped her clean out her car while the kids played at the playground. I got inspiration for what to do under our front tree next year. Begonias. 

We said our goodbyes and made our way through the airport. 

Made it home, picked up Harpo from the boarding place near the airport and crashed at home. 

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