Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mid May Outside Play

Monday we ran some errands and landed at Mall of America and Ikea. They had this fun huge butterfly on display.

Tuesday was a great day, we biked to a dentist appointment, which was a mistake because it wore me out! lol Only a mile or so away but up a HUGE hill. My legs were dead. We played out front waiting for the girls preschool bus to arrive. Mary sure loves riding her bike!

Thursday morning we spent a lot of time out front on the bikes as well. There are two man holes in the middle of the yard and it's the perfect distance in front of our house so I instructed Mary how to make a track around the man holes to ride round and round.


This was Thursday morning and you can see Thomas's long wispy hair.

It was after these two photos that I was thinking wow he really needs a hair cut. There really wasn't time to get him somewhere so I just decided to do it myself. Got out Kyle's clippers with a 5 guard and got it trimmed.

So handsome and looking much better with it cut now :-) Add barber to my resume.

 Took the girls to school. Only two more drop offs after this one. Warm enough for me to pull my wrap out, love wearing this little dude. And so much easier than chasing or attempting to hold him as he wants to jump out of my arms. While he's being worn he's cozy and content.

Thursday evening we had the Preschool all-school family picnic. It was a great day for it! Our last name letter put us on the list to bring something "Kid-friendly savory dish"... well okay then so I decided to do beef sticks and cheese. Isaac helped me assemble them all and said "Oh I see we're making samples" lol. It was too funny.



Attempting to get a photo of Isaac, he was busy playing the entire time.


Friday morning I needed to get the signs out for my Mother of Multiples Spring Sale. I hauled the kids along and promised them we could play at the church playground when we finished. These beautiful tulips were blooming in the play yard.

Thomas is just one of the big kids, climbing the ladder, the rope latter, and tried the rock wall then going down the slide by himself. No slowing him down this summer!

Kindergarten Registration

Last Wednesday the girls got to go to school for their Kindergarten registration. They got to hear the current kindergartners sing a song, enjoy some donuts, and break off into the classes for a story and activity while I got their paperwork turned in. It was an excited day.

It was an early morning but a gorgeous day!

The girls kept saying "We're at Isaac's school" but I corrected them that it is going to be THERE school soon and we were there for them!

They were a little overwhelmed but also excited. I was happy they had donuts and juice because we basically ran out the door with a few things to munch on the way.

Thomas enjoyed the singing too.

They each went with separate teachers while I turned in the paper work. I peeked in at Mary before they were finished. She was busy coloring her project.

Time to pick them up and I grabbed Emma first.

Which was clearly the wrong decision because Mary was then mad that I got Emma first and not her.

Once we were finished with registration we rushed on to the rest of our day. Thomas had his last ECFE class, fun year doing something just for him.

While we are in that class the girls are in sib care with Teacher Bridget. They loved her, and I was hoping to get a photo with them all when I picked them up but boy the girls were CRABBY! They were hungry and it had already been an exciting day.

Went home for lunch then dropped them off at preschool. Thomas and I ran to Costco for a much needed grocery run. He's enjoying a chocolate pineapple piece in the car :-)

All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.