Saturday, May 18, 2019

Kindergarten Registration

Last Wednesday the girls got to go to school for their Kindergarten registration. They got to hear the current kindergartners sing a song, enjoy some donuts, and break off into the classes for a story and activity while I got their paperwork turned in. It was an excited day.

It was an early morning but a gorgeous day!

The girls kept saying "We're at Isaac's school" but I corrected them that it is going to be THERE school soon and we were there for them!

They were a little overwhelmed but also excited. I was happy they had donuts and juice because we basically ran out the door with a few things to munch on the way.

Thomas enjoyed the singing too.

They each went with separate teachers while I turned in the paper work. I peeked in at Mary before they were finished. She was busy coloring her project.

Time to pick them up and I grabbed Emma first.

Which was clearly the wrong decision because Mary was then mad that I got Emma first and not her.

Once we were finished with registration we rushed on to the rest of our day. Thomas had his last ECFE class, fun year doing something just for him.

While we are in that class the girls are in sib care with Teacher Bridget. They loved her, and I was hoping to get a photo with them all when I picked them up but boy the girls were CRABBY! They were hungry and it had already been an exciting day.

Went home for lunch then dropped them off at preschool. Thomas and I ran to Costco for a much needed grocery run. He's enjoying a chocolate pineapple piece in the car :-)

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