Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter Weekend (Nature Center & Easter Sunday)

Saturday morning, we made resurrection rolls for breakfast

Then we did one step on the playset before ordering some carryout lunch, cuz I was SOOO tired of cooking. After lunch we got in the van for a drive. We went about 1.5 hours north to another state park. We drove through the tiny town of Yoder:

We made it to the state park, but on our way there we passed a nature center. Once at the state park we realized it was not much of anything and only trails through the sunny prairie, so we decided to turn around and go back to the nature center. 

Potty break as soon as we got out of the van


The hike was so nice. Felt so good to be outside. Of course the kids complained as soon as we started: that the drive was too long, that they were ready to go home, that they were hot in the sun, cold in the shade, you know normal things. 


It wasn't that large of a nature center and we made our way around it pretty quickly. There were fun story book pages throughout the center that we'd stop and read. We made it to the lake area with a little water fall. Saw a snake and some turtles in the water. 


Walk around the lake over to the dock area. The buildings were closed but luckily the bathrooms were open and there were a lot of people fishing for trout in this tiny lake. Hopefully not eating these fish, this lake was tiny! We ain't in Minnesota anymore :-( 

We went back to the van to grab the snack and some water since everyone was dying of thirst... they started climbing back into the van complaining to go home not hearing us the umpteenth times saying we were not leaving. I wanted to see this other area we hadn't gone to, which was just on the other side of the building. Finally talked the kids into coming along bribing them with their snack. It was a children's area, they were sure glad I made them stay cuz we spent lots of time playing here. 


We were there for a couple hours, maybe. Headed back home, picked up dog food and did a carry out dinner that we took home to eat. 

Baskets out for Easter morning: 


As you can see we were up before the sun to explore the baskets and a full day of candy eating even though they didn't have much candy, but they LOVED it, lol.




Even though we didn't have church to attend the kids wanted to get dressed up which was nice. We did some crafts before lunch and then colored Easter eggs. 


Emma liked wearing her ears, no body else cared to this year. 


Dinner was a Costco ham, green beans with bacon and pecans, and a celery root stuffing. Veggies MOST. 

Sharing photos of our weekly calendar with their teachers: 

And that's a wrap on 2020 Easter. 

Fourth Week of being at Home (April 6 through 10)

Tuesday April 6th
I had a BSF call at 9:30 and Isaac also had his piano lesson call at 9:30. Luckily Kyle took a quick break from work and held a 'P.E.' session outside with the other three, lol. 

That afternoon we made some pattern Frozen fruit wands: 

And had some more learning, Isaac had some google classroom assignments to catch up on so he was doing two a day last week. 

That evening we had the kids help us move some wood to the back. We're getting our trees trimmed but wanted to keep some of the big logs for our fire pit, lol had we known these were coming we wouldn't have bought firewood last week, oops. 

We also made a fire... but it was HOT! The kids just complained about how hot it was, ate their S'mores then ran inside. 

Wednesday we had our first official Music class via zoom. We have a call twice a week, however I totally forgot about it on Friday morning, oops. Set an alarm for this week. 

The girls watched one of their teachers lead a bunny drawing video

Then we decorated easter cookies from a snoopy cookie kit I had gotten at Costco a couple months back. 



We picked up a playset from Costco the week before and are SLOWLY getting it put together. I'm doing a few steps here and there. But since it's been colder this week I haven't been out there, and we're kinda waiting for the tree trimmer to finish up so we're not in the way. But the kids have loved playing with the box. 

We got this put together and that's about as far as we are right now. I'll make a separate post with the steps as we built it. 

Thursday our BSF lesson was also geography as we located the path Paul took from Jerusalem to Italy. BSF can also count as learning history :-) 

Friday we NEEDED to get outside and went for a morning family walk around the block doing a scavenger hunt. 

We ended the week with a movie night watching Tale of Despereaux, which is also a novel and we finished reading through it Friday so celebrated while watching the movie. 

All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.