Friday, April 3, 2020

Second Week of March (Pre-COVID-19)

As I mentioned in my previous post, Mary was sick Monday and Tuesday the week before spring break, so she only went to school Wednesday and Thursday before the break. It was kinda nice having her home and getting some 1:1 time. 

With Mary back to school Thomas and I got to resume our music class on Wednesday

Followed by a Costco trip... people had started to go crazy at this point and toilet paper was there but flying off the shelves. We did our normal shopping. Thomas enjoying a yogurt acai bowl. 

Harpo has found comfort in our room. At our old house he wouldn't go upstairs because the stairs were hardwood. Since they are carpet at this house he now loves being back in our room. And recently took up snoozing in our bed all day so that means our bed gets made every morning so I don't have to change the sheets every night. LOL Even though it's a white comforter I'm fine with it cuz I got it for $8 in Minneapolis at goodwill when we were living there after all our stuff got moved out and needed insulation between our bodies and the air mattress. So if Harpo wants to lay on it I'm fine with that. 

God has an amazing way of working things... however now it doesn't matter. But when I got hired at the YMCA I needed to bring in my documents for my employment paperwork. At that time I realized my passport was EXPIRED!!!! We had a trip planned to the Dominican Republic just 4 weeks later, I took this as a blessing for discovering it then and not staying at the airport. I was able to expedite renewal for a new passport and it arrived only 8 days later! I was so happy to have it and could now actually plan and pack for the trip... only to find out three days later the whole thing was cancelled due to COVID-19 :-( 

Isaac had his first baseball practice on Thursday evening. The girls were going to have their Friday evening but theirs was cancelled due to cold and wind. They all had Saturday practices that got cancelled due to the stay at home restrictions. Glad Isaac got to have at least one practice. :-( 

Friday started our spring break. The kids had a camp they were going to attend 8am to noon each day... which got cancelled on Saturday or Sunday I think it was. So it was time to get a routine in place cuz we had a strong feeling we wouldn't be returning to school once spring break was over. Teachers and school staff kept saying "don't worry about it, just enjoy your break" Well our break activities were cancelled and if we wanted to enjoy life we needed a routine, not just chaos. They clearly don't have four kids, there are not "JUST A BREAK" with four kids, HAHAHA. This was the first layout of a schedule, which we have adapted and changed a little to fit our needs but has been a good base to work from and given mama a little bit of sanity. 

They finally announced Wednesday of break that school would NOT be resuming this year and they would provide distance learning information a full two weeks later.... annoying. 

Meanwhile I have been researching local yoga teacher trainings and was trying out this studio again. I think I'm decided to do this training which is set to start in July, we'll see if it takes place. Also over the break I went to a yoga studio EVERYDAY because I knew it was a matter of time before they all closed. And sure enough that next weekend March 22nd all the studios had closed down and were doing virtual classes. I didn't need the virtual classes cuz I already do the best home workouts at home, I find sanity in the actual leaving the house and getting away from distractions. I am so happy that my home Minneapolis studio is doing a lot of streaming of their yoga's. Although I miss their hot room, I love their teaching style and have been enjoying Modo Yoga at home. 

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