As I mentioned in my last post, Isaac needed to get glasses for his one bad eye to wear anytime he needed to see at a distance. We got to pick them up February 14th.
February 15th Thomas has his class performance with Brother Ghana. This was a residency that visits our school and the kids learn African Drumming and dance. Hopefully the video comes through.
Me chatting with the kids via Alexa on my way to work. Having fun with the effects, :-)
Putting that new air fryer to work. We did a rotisserie chicken and kabobs.
Saturday February 18th was the rescheduled Luminary Loppet (Pronounced LOW-pet). This is right by our house and usually done on the lake but due to the rain and weather they moved it to land... which made it a little less fun and more crowded it was just on our side of the lake, so short walk for us.
Here's a map of the event as you see it goes along the west side of the lake. We live just about where the star is on the legend.
Late night, time for bed. Captured this sweet moment of brothers reading.
Monday was President's day and time for the boys to get a haircut. Thomas was developing a cough so had him wear a mask for safety.
Kyle was traveling for work and the kids had off school Monday (for president's day) and Tuesday for conferences. Well our school systems got hacked and all their tech was down so conferences were cancelled for Tuesday.... making it a VERY long day. We were also anticipating a HUGE storm. A historic blizzard as they were predicting. So they moved school to 'e-learning' for the rest of the week... before a drop of snow had even fallen! This was Tuesday. We were in the middle of our school's read-a-thon so we spent a few hours reading - me reading Harry Potter to everyone and doing fuse beads.
This was what our outside looked like BEFORE the storm.
Tuesday night movie night downstairs on the new couch.
Wednesday we had received the first wave of snow... which was only a couple of inches. Kids helped in shoveling.
The blizzard was to start Wednesday evening... which cancelled Kyle's flight and delayed him getting home. Thursday we woke to the bulk of the snow total of 16" adding in the day before too. Not quite as much as they were predicting.
More shoveling on Thursday.
Thomas keeping us serenaded with his drumming routine.
Got them outside again on Thursday... we were getting tired of each other.
Kyle made it home Thursday night after having to drive to Wichita from KC and then taking the Jet home Thursday evening. Friday got the kids outside again, but it was getting cold so they didn't last long.
Saturday our school had their scheduled sledding party. Perfect timing with the fresh powder. Mary had her basketball game earlier in the day and Isaac's was during the sledding party.
Sunday we got up, went to church, had brunch at Hen House (as usual) and then headed over to the History Center to see the special Sherlock Holmes exhibit before our second to last ski class that afternoon.
Because of the snow last week we had a middle school tour lined up Thursday that got rescheduled to Monday. So Kyle, Isaac, and I attended that Monday morning which ended up being really encouraging and where we will select to go for 6th grade next year.
Monday night we had our normal BSF, since Kyle was home he brought the kids later so they didn't have to come early with me since I help set up. They love this slide :-)
Kyle left again for work travel, but I got to go with the school to a school wide (minus kinder) to the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra. It was pretty fun.
That brings us to TODAY right now, been working on yearbook got the order forms out and doing some editing for portraits to get everyone's missing picture in place.
I brought Harpo downstairs with me to hang out :-)