Monday, April 6, 2020

New Garden & Bike Ride

Monday March 30th and 31st

Kyle took off work Monday and Tuesday. He was suppose to have a whole week off for our vacation anyway. And it was good timing so I could have some help getting in a routine with the kids school work (which has been a nightmare. I am this close to just stopping the whole thing and doing our own thing. I think they'd learn more anyway and we'd all be a little happier) Anyway different story for a different day.

I decided last minute (maybe because this shortage of food and having to be quarantines) but that I wanted to try a garden. We begin to dig up the area and locate the sprinklers so we knew where to work around and get them a little lower.

I made a trip to Ace Hardware to get some fencing and posts to put up around the garden as well as a few plants I have in the sun room until the frost clears. It felt nice to be outside.

First tulip to bloom

Monday night ended with a much needed margarita and visit with my girls friends back in Minnesota. We used to routinely meet up for margaritas but now just doing it virtually. 

Tuesday we went for a quick bike ride. First since moving. Took us about an hour to get all the bikes ready which in the mean time Isaac decided to crash in the yard and tear up his knee... great start but we still made him come with us. We rode to the school to pick up their learning packets. We arrived to find none left for K-5... so that was a waste. Like I mentioned trying to do what the district is proving is proving to be more of a pain than it's worth. Taking time and stress to download or figure things out and wasted trip to discover empty packets. They announced they messed up and did a horrible job rolling it out. This week they are mailing ALL packets and then from here moving forward they want families to opt in to get the mailings or decline so they don't waste funds mailing them. Such a mess. 

So we came home from school and just did a little ride around the neighborhood. We also discovered they locked up the playgrounds. They had been open as you saw in my earlier post but are not closed due to the corona. 

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