Thursday, November 10, 2022

First week of October

October 1st back to unperson early morning BSF leaders meeting. But the view of the sunrise: worth it! HE is worth it. 

attempted a run with the girls on a Saturday... it didn't go well. 

Picked up mums and took out the overgrown tomato plants. 

Saturday night fire. We'd actually bought a new fire pit but it wasn't the one we wanted. So returned it but we were in the mood for a fire so grabbed this old pit that was at the house when we moved in. 

Sunday morning came early. Kyle and I got up early and I drove him to the start line - he was running the Twin Cities 10 Miler. 

After dropping him off and getting stuck in traffic I came home, got the kids up and around and we drove over to St. Paul to cheer him on. 


Kyle at the finish, he found my friend Jana who also ran the 10 mile. (she's looney and did the 5K AND the 10K the day before - it's call the Looney)


Once we got Kyle we headed over to Minneapolis and had breakfast at our new favorite place: Hen House. Then it was on to flag football later that day. Leaves are getting pretty!

Monday, Oct 3rd was the official start of my NEW job!

Fall colors!

View from the top of the parking ramp on my first (non-general orientation) day in St Paul

My first day of work, Thomas had his first field trip. Thankfully Kyle was able to go with him. 

I did get to go on a walking field trip on Friday (the next day) with the third grade classes. They walked to the forrest by our house, just a short walk from school, to hang up their wishes after reading the book WishTree.

Our new fire pit came in. S'mores time!

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