Last night (late) I got the chair and filing cabinet put together that we got at Ikea, tonight we put together my dresser. Here's a picture of the messy office, but you can see our new filing cabinet and new desk. My sewing desk is to the left of the picture. I actually just had an email from someone interested in my old filing cabinet posted on craigslist... I love craigslist!
Here is a picture of my new dresser and the rest of the bedroom upstairs. The black drawers are going to be done soon once we get the clothes all situation where they need to go:
So for what we did today:
- During my shower I realized that our shower head might have moved one too many place (missouri, georgia, mn apt and now here) because a small leak has formed on the side of the shower head... we'll deal with that later, lol
- Put up a toilet paper rack in the bathroom, I wanted it on the left side... but it turns out that the laundry shoot poses a problem for the screws to get all the way in... this was found out AFTER I had one side in the wall already, so now there are four lovely holes in the wall because I had to move the toilet paper rack to the right side hooked onto the vanity... URG... maybe we can put a magazine rack there to cover up the holes or something :0)
- Kyle got the basement somewhat organized... still a work in progress
- I straightened up the office a little also a work in progress, but got a huge stack of papers filed...
- We fixed the light switches upstairs with the help of my dad via phone and emailed pictures, now we can control the light above the stairs from the bottom of the stairs instead of having to climb all the way up them and into the bedroom to turn on the light over the stairs, WOO HOO!
- Kyle fixed dinner on the GRILL! The first time we've grilled out since we living in GEORGIA! (ha ha we live ON Georgia now)
- Oh yeah and we got the cable going in the living room.... we just have a long cord running from the office to the living room TV until the cable guy comes again on Thursday... it'll do, we watched about 10 minutes of the democratic convention while eating dinner, then off to house stuff.
I might start writing less since we have a lot of the major house stuff done. Tomorrow night I plan to stop by the apartment and pick up the few items that are still there, Wednesday we're gonna try and get the apartment all cleaned and rid ourselves of those keys. This weekend we plan to go to the State Fair, it's a really big deal here and the talk of the summer. Everything is fried (yuk) and on a stick (hmmm....) but I will def. be getting the cheese curds... mmmmm they are SOOOO good here!
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