After they were finished I came home because we had the other jeep all loaded and I needed to get Harpo and switch jeeps. On the way home I called Budget to re-confirm our truck rental for tomorrow morning. When I made that call I found out they had NO trucks, not even different sizes or none at surrounding locations either, this was just GREAT! So he recommended calling Penske right down the road. I called them and they had a 16' truck for $150! There was no way I was going to pay $150 for a truck when the other one I had lined up was $20.... so I kept looking. Now we had tried U-Haul twice before and the first time when I was calling around for prices the guy at the St. Louis Park location was VERY rude to me so I sent an email to corp. office telling them because of him I won't be using them. Then Kyle had tried earlier this week and the guy yelled at him "we don't have any trucks use the website!" and hung up.... So I was pretty unhappy with U-Haul but was desperate. So I got online and filled out a reservation thing. Since it was last minute I wanted to talk to someone so after circles and circles and being put on hold and calling a few other U-Haul locations and getting the busy signal I finally got a call from a gal at U-Haul down the road a bit from our apartment. They had a 10' (the one we wanted) for tomorrow but not until 5:00 pm and the only other one is a 14' available at 3:30... so we went with that one. So that's done! Hopefully, I guess we'll see tomorrow.
After that I loaded up the freezer and fridge food and Harpo and headed to the house. I cleaned out the fridge/freezer top to bottom. Once Kyle got home we finished painting the upstairs and hallway (the color here is Cup of Cocoa)... besides a few little touch ups in the living room, we have put the painting gear AWAY!!!! (for a while at least) Here are pictures of the living room, which is the room I had the carpets cleaned today as well, we just need to get trim for the bottom. Like I mentioned this wall color is Mountain Sage.

Here's the hallway, you can see the laundry shoot :0)

And the stairs to the upstairs bedroom and the bedroom shots:

We also unloaded the jeep and got things put away. We got the kitchen all organized (somewhat, it will probably change a bit) Things taken out to the garage and the downstairs straightened up a bit all ready for the big move in tomorrow.
We are SOOO ready to be living in the house and not having to travel back and forth. I'll get more pictures as we get settled... I probably won't be blogging tomorrow night since we will have the computer packed up and the cable guy isn't coming until Sunday afternoon. Although I'll try and see if I can get free internet until Sunday (that is if I'm not sleeping as soon as we get unpacking, who knows what time that will be)
Oh and incase any of you that read my blog (ummm does anyone read this thing?) were wanting to see the other pictures of the house from before we closed, here is the webshots link: As you can tell from looking at those we have done a lot of work already. I hope that link works.
I know my mom reads my blog, but not really sure if anyone else does ;0) If you do, you must have a lot of time on your hands, lol.
OH YEAH I wanted to share a funny story that happened a week or so ago... So one afternoon while I was working away on various tasks in the house, before Kyle got home from work I noticed this nail in the wall, I thought "well that's weird there a nail, oh there's two, just hanging out in the wall, these don't need to be here" Then I noticed a third all together so I started to pry them out, which was VERY hard they were really in there, I got one nail out, so I'm working at the next as Kyle gets home and comes over to see what I'm doing. I say, "gosh these darn nails are being so stubborn I can't get them out" and right at that time I look up and see a whole line of them as Kyle says, "yeah cuz they're the drywall nails" LOL I replied "good thing you got home when you did!" So it ended up just being a sh!tty job of drywalling done by someone before. Anyway it was just too funny and I laugh in my head everytime I think of it, I really thought they were just nails there for no reason... lol and it was good he got home because I probably would have taken them all out before realizing what they were for.
Alright I think this is long enough and I've covered it all, I am off to BED!! One last night in the apartment, woo hoo!
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