Sunday we were moving rather slow... we were very tired. We didn't get over to the house until after noon. And of course we had to make our Home Depot stop first and return the valves we got the day before which were the wrong size. This day we got new valves, a wrench, a furnace filter (the one they had was FILTHY!), and a bucket... so the list is getting shorter... :0) oh just wait.
Sunday we didn't really do much
Sunday we didn't really do much
- Puttied some of the living room panel (getting it ready to paint)
- installed new valves under the kitchen sink
- installed kitchen faucet
- busted up a little more concrete
- got a garage door opener set to the garage door and fixed Kyle's built in one in his car to open it as well.
My friend Jill (from our apartment complex) and her little dog, Jackson stopped by to say hello and take a swing at busting concrete... so that was a grand 'ol time. Jill says that she is going to come over after a hard days work to take some aggression out on our patio LOL! We said she is welcome ANY time!! Also Sunday night I posted an add on craigslist saying we had free broken up concrete if anyone was interested, if not we are just going to recycle it at the recycling center (which takes it for free!!).....FYI I had two emails about the concrete and a lady came today to get some, that is just too funny to me!
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