Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Splash & Dash 2021

A few months ago I signed up for a Splash & Dash (400m swim followed by a 5K run) hoping it would motivate me to swim and train more... well it didn't. Then I ended up getting sick end of August and training REALLY went out the window. I had swam once a few days before this race and I was OUT OF BREATH, about to die. So I was pretty nervous to even survive the swim, lol. My main goal was make it through the swim. 400m is FAR when you're not a swimmer, lol. It's been two years since those triathlons I did. 

Beautiful sunrise on my walk in to the race start.

Check in, numbers written on us, ankle brackets in place, ready to roll. 

I finished JUST in time for the first moment of silence to honor 9/11

WHOO HOO! I survived! And to my surprise, the following week I got an email that I didn't get my medal for winning first in my age group, LOL!

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