Friday, September 4, 2009

Harpo: the traveling dog!

Harpo close up

Ever since Harpo was 5 weeks old, he's been a traveling dog! At 5 weeks he took a road trip from Missouri to Georgia and back. 2 weeks later he took that trip again, then he took 2 more road trips back and forth the next few months. Then when he was 10 months old, he took a road trip from Georgia to Minnesota. In the past 2 years he's taken MANY road trips from Minnesota to Missouri!!  So as you can see he got used to traveling FAST!!

I find this funny because even though he has an empty seat here:
Harpo empty seat

He still spends the whole car ride trying to get comfy.....
Harpo car 1

Harpo car 2

Harpo car 3

Harpo car 4

Harpo car 5

Harpo car 6

Then he quickly found this spot after our hike around Split Rock Lighthouse State Park:
Harpo car 7 after hike

Thanks for reading!

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