Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Never Trust A Fence

submitted by Kyle

So after leaving Oktoberfest (if you do not know about Oktoberfest please stop reading and skip to the blog below this one first) Daisy brought Matt and I home. She had the good idea that we should get out of the car before we pulled it into the garage because there is not a lot of space and I think it is safe to say that Matt and I were a little wobbly, I was singing the whole way home so I was a happy wobbler at least :-). After we got out of the car Matt suddenly needed to lean on something, unfortunately he picked our neighbors fence which was completely rotted.

As you can see from the picture the next morning, he made a hole where that fence used to be, lol!.

broken fence

After explaining to our neighbor the incident that happened the night before, it was off to Home Depot for the materials to build her a fence.

Don't we look excited to go build a fence!

THD Matt Kyle

THD kyle measuring

THD Kyle carrying wood

THD walking away

The materials needed to re-build a fence.

Home Depot

Matt and I have never built a fence before, but we figured it could not be too hard...right?

kyle cutting

matt measuring

Oh she is coming together now!

boys rebuilding

I would like to note two things in this next pic. One, the concentration being displayed here. Look at the tongue and eye work being presented before you, I could be doing brain surgery and have that same face. Two, you may not know this but that is a rock hammer I am using which has a smaller head and a really pointy end on it, but I was driving the nails in perfectly every time. Looks like the Geology fieldwork with that hammer is finally getting put to use.

Kyle rebuilding

Fine tuning.

Kyle saw

Matt screwdriver

And completion! Ain't she a beaute! Building this fence has truly inspired me to work on a few things around the house next summer...I do have a big deck that needs re-built.

finished matt kyle


Tish said...

If only you had some video of your drunk friend falling through a fence!

Daisy said...

Yeah I know! I missed the whole thing because I was parking the car, LOL.

Matt said...

The drunk friend says: "it was pretty comical when falling through the fence, re-enactments available upon request

All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.