Week Nine:
#57- MOOinsota History Center: I had checked out two tickets from the library for the Minnesota History Center. Our county library has a program that lets you check out tickets for various museums around the Twin Cities... I think we'll be using it quite often this winter. This cow was in the 150 things of Minnesota. I can't remember what number she was.
#58- Snow covered patio: We had already had our first snow on Oct 10th... but two days later we were to get our REAL snow. Luckily this did not stay more than a day either. But it sure was a surprise to wake up to this much snow on our patio. It snowed all through the morning and did let up until about 2:00.
#59- Night time Harvest: This picture was actually taken when it was completely dark out. My front step was being lit from our neighbors porch light.
#60-Sewing Halloween Costume: Cutting out a pattern to sew for a top that will go with my dragonfly Halloween costume.
#61-Peanut Hunting: I had some meetings at the University Hospital this day so I took that validated parking opportunity to hunt for peanuts around the UofM campus. I ended up finding five... but I have a feeling there are probably more in random buildings.
#62- Halloween Spirit: A few streets down from our home, there is a house that goes WAY over the top for halloween! They COVER their yard with decoration and hold a food drive on their porch on halloween night. They did this last year as well.
#63-Escalator: As a treat to Kyle and I we went out for a nice dinner to celebrate being married for six months. After dinner we walked around downtown, taking the skyways since it was rather chilly outside. He gets to do this everyday going to and from work... but I don't and I miss the city life! Even though everything is closed in the skyways because they are usually just open around lunch time on the week days, it was still fun to be in that atmosphere.
Thanks for reading!
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