Thursday, March 3, 2022

First half December Misc.

These next five are technically from the end of November. The outdoor space is new and open at the Advanced Learning Library:

And Thomas and I enjoyed an afternoon at Exploration place (this is in a little airplane simulation)

Photo from Emma at school. 

Now onto December. Just some random photos to share. Kids had a theme week the first week of December. Emma in her grinch shirt and Santa hat. 

I was working an early morning biometric screening event and Kyle sent me this photo that Mary had lost a tooth! December 2nd 

Pretty grass photo as the sun came up that morning. 

Thomas at nap, love that my phone camera can capture photos in the DARK!

Another shot at Mary's missing tooth a couple days later and a game of banana grams. 

Emma and Thomas playing school <3

Thomas with his neighbor buddy Rosti. 

Mary lost the other front tooth! December 8th

I had started this project way back in September then got called away to pick up a sick kid and well life happened... finally getting to it on a morning of free time (which is also why it's taken so long to get this blog caught up, literally no time to conduct a solid train of thought). 

At our PTO nights I had been encouraging our school to use funds to enrich the children's educational experience instead of just providing them candy as rewards.... The principal approached the African American Museum of Art and worked out 3-4 days that they would work with the school for a learning opportunity. This was one of those days (The principal ended up getting district funding for this so we still have so much PTO money to be used...)

Thursday morning coffee date before Thomas's late start preschool day. 

Thomas is such a smart boy like Isaac, already playing the game of Life at four years old. 

Helping me get Christmas Cards in the mailbox. 

And after a haircut!

Our neighbor dropped off some hand-me-downs. Mary loves this dress! 

And a naptime photo, gotta capture these moments of my baby cuz they go by so fast. 

That takes us to about the middle of December, I'll stop her for now. 

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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.