Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Things have been crazy lately. I'm not really sure why... I didn't really have any gifts to buy, I'm not cooking a huge dinner, I don't have kids to wrap presents for, and I really only eat, drink, sleep and work.... so why has this month seemed like I have been standing in the middle of a tornado for 23 days?

Work has been unusually busy and the sun goes down at 4:00... that might be a reason.

As all this craziness hopefully comes to an end as Christmas arrives in a few days, I want to share my bit of peace for the holiday season...

the thing that brings me back to reality and assures me that nothing is really as bad as it seems...

the thing that I know will always be waiting for me when I walk in the door...

the thing that goes banana's over a crumb of carrot and always knows how to make me smile....

129 harpo

Thanks for reading!

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