Friday, August 14, 2009

It's Friday!

Hello... Hello... is anybody out there???

So there's a blog I read... Miz Booshay's Quiet Life and she likes to have a friday 5... I'm not sure where she gets her list cuz the link seems to be broken.

BUT I did find a Friday Five via lovely google:

So here's the scoop (aka: the way I want to do it, hee hee), I post the five questions and give my answers, then YOU (blog reader) post your answers in the comments, okay okay I know you're rolling your eyes, but come'on it'll be fun.

Today's is kinda weird, it's all about UGLY!

1-What’s so ugly it’s kind of cute?

2-What’s the ugliest article of clothing in your wardrobe?
I have these brown pants with pink stripes.... I try NOT to avoid them but I do end up pushing them to the back of my closet until I have no choice when all my other pants are dirty, then they get worn.

3-What’s the ugliest car on the streets today?
Hmmm probably the smart cars, but they are kinda cute... should this go for number one then?

4-Under what circumstances are you most likely to whip out your ugliest behavior?
When I get very annoyed or see no logical reason for something happening.... or 5 to 7 days before my monthly girl time (sorry if that's TMI)

5-Which of the United States of America has the ugliest shape?
I need a map! hmmm... not Alaska cuz it seems to be smiling at me... not Montana cuz of the face.... okay really how do you classify an UGLY shape?? Come on, really.... okay I'll go with Ohio, only because it's kinda shaped like a U.... hey you gotta have imagination.

Alright I did it now you do it!
I promise I won't do this every Friday, but it's something to pass the time.

Here's the list you can copy and paste:
1. What’s so ugly it’s kind of cute?
2. What’s the ugliest article of clothing in your wardrobe?
3. What’s the ugliest car on the streets today?
4. Under what circumstances are you most likely to whip out your ugliest behavior?
5. Which of the United States of America has the ugliest shape?

1 comment:

Amanda Kay said...

Sorry so late. Love your blogs Daisy!

Here's the list you can copy and paste:
1. What’s so ugly it’s kind of cute?A Chihuahua
2. What’s the ugliest article of clothing in your wardrobe? I have some LSU cotton Capri's. Sometimes I'll wear them to bed, but they make me look like I have a dirty diaper so I don't wear them often. BUT since they are LSU I wont toss them. LOL
3. What’s the ugliest car on the streets today? PT Cruisers.
4. Under what circumstances are you most likely to whip out your ugliest behavior? When people talk about my family or friends.
5. Which of the United States of America has the ugliest shape? Colorado or Wyoming they are the only states that are boring. Just a square? WTF! It's like some kid tried to draw a square 48 times and only got it right twice. Therefore the squares fail!

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