Saturday, December 15, 2018

December Odds and Ends

Thomas got bumped up in his BSF class. This was the Tuesday of Isaac's birthday. He was playing so cute I had to capture him. Then when he saw me through the window he melted down. 

Isaac learning about dreidels at school. His teacher sent out these photos:

One Saturday morning I saw the most prettiest cardinal perched out on this tree during my morning workout.

Last Sunday we took the kids to the art Museum (Minneapolis Institute of Arts) it's been a LOOONG time since we'd been there. We had taken Isaac when he was a baby. They enjoyed it and did well, so I think we can return :-) It was family day which made it nice because there were other kids running around. They were super excited to go with the name of a museum because they love the children's museum and the science museum. So we had to educate them a bit that this was a different kind of museum and they couldn't touch anything. It helped they had a kid art activity set up in one of the rooms for the girls to do.

The girls stayed outside to play one day when they came off the bus from preschool since they already had all their snow gear on. They love sliding down this little 'hill', haha.

We made rice crispy snowmen one day after school. Not quite the pinterst quality but they had fun making them and eating them. Used up the brown rice crispy cereal they refused to eat.

Even though we sprayed hands with oil, Thomas was not a fan of the stickiness. 

Thomas has quite the running nose this week, but he's still super cute!!

Kyle had to work late everyday this past week and I was getting so tired of long evenings so Thursday night we went over to InnerActive, which is an indoor play area. Decided to just get a membership for the month since it's so pricey with one admission for four kids. If we go at least twice in a month it pays for itself so we'll try to get a LOT of use out of it the next month. Good timing with Christmas break coming up.

Games with the girls on Friday after Thomas was down for a nap and before Isaac gets home from school. Making the most of the tiny bits of time. No mama time for herself but I'll have enough of that in 20 years, right?

This was a couple weekends ago when I was at work and Kyle had to get some shoveling done. Took all the kids out to play in the snow. 

Oh and doing lice checks at home. A couple friends of Isaac's had a reported case so we did through checks again (and a few days to follow to be sure) No lice for us! A pain to do the thorough checks but will be worth it to not have a big infestation again. I'm getting faster and more effective at the checks.

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