Sunday, January 31, 2010

XC Skiing: Take Three

168 skis XC3

We've been unable to ski the past few weekends because such warm weather up here (the warm weather causes the snow to be slushy), but it got back down to where it's suppose to be so we were took that opportunity to get our ski on. Our bodies could tell that we'd taken a little break.

kyle XC3
We went back to the park we had went to the first time for our lessons and did a little harder trail. It was a beautiful day.
bright sun XC3

Something about being outside in the winter and soaking up the fresh clean air, clears the mind.
wooded trail sepia

I'm starting to like the little downhills, it's liberating to just let go, flow with the hill and let my hair fly in the wind :-)
windy trail XC3

It was nice to be able to stop every once in a while and soak in the scenery.
lake XC3

It's like relaxing and working out all at the same time :-)
field XC3

Thanks for reading!

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