#155: Frozen Minnehaha Falls: I had heard about Minnehaha Falls being froze over so I took the beautiful Sunday afternoon to go capture some shots. It ended up being a gorgeous afternoon and the falls were amazing!
#156: It's what's for dinner: This shot was Kyle's idea. We had Sam's steaks for dinner and he was so impressed with how thick they were he said "you should so take a picture of these and use it as your picture of the day" I love when he helps out like that because sometimes my brain just doesn't want to work and if it wasn't for him you'd have another Harpo picture to look at :-)
#157: Sewing project: I recently bought a new custom camera bag off esty and being the clueless person I can sometimes be I didn't realize I could add extras (like pockets). Once I got the bag I thought "man this would be even more kick ass if it had some pockets" later I find out it could have if I would have stated that before I ordered it. Okay enough about that, so I made my OWN pocket and added it to my bag, thus leading me to use my sewing machine this day and leading me to capture this shot for my picture of the day.
#158: Cattail: I went on a mini photo walk this day at a park near where I work. The day before there was some great frost on my way to work... and of course I didn't have my camera the day before. So the day I DID stick my camera in, no frost. but I made the most of the moment and shot some other things instead.
#159: Snow Viking: Everybody is getting pretty pumped that the Vikings are playing in the NFC Championship game this weekend!!
#160: Face: I had an idea for a shot. Kyle grabbed the 3D glasses we recently got from going to see Avatar, then I converted it to black and white.
#161: Winter Sunrise: A friend of mine and I had planned to get up and go get some sunrise pictures Saturday morning. Well the day before it was a cloudy sunrise, and the morning of it was pretty slippery and crummy from the freezing rain the night before. My friend ended up not wanting to come, but I ventured out anyway because I was up and had my contacts in already. I really didn't get many good shots, but I wasn't going to let the whole morning be wasted so I got out and got a few. This was the only time there was a hint of color in the sky, shortly after this moment the sky returned to it's white haze.
Thanks for reading!
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