Monday, November 30, 2009

More stories, more POVs

Ree (aka: Pioneer Woman) Yes we are on a first name basis every since we meet, :-P

She posted her story about coming to the Mall of America, just like she has done with all the places she's done book signings at. When she posts the stories, she often links to other blogs (such as mine... yipee!) that have told their point of view (that's what the POV stands for mom, hee hee). If you want to see the many other blog entries of her visit to MoA just click here to see the list at the end of her blog entry.

Anyway after reading everyone else's encounters I came across this news clip of Ree Drummond that our local news station did and wanted to share. Thanks to The Single Sister, which is where I first saw it. Here is the link to the webpage with an article and the same clip that I am embedding below.


PS: in order to get these videos that I post to work, you will most likely have to come straight to my blog, I have been told the videos do not work via email subscriptions.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Rhiannon said...

So cool that she picked up your blog!! You had a fantastic story and it was beautifully told in your gorgeous photos. =)

The news story was cool too--it almost made me cry! Love it.

Congrats on appearing on her blog!

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