Monday, November 2, 2009

Week Eleven

This madness of a 365 day project continues!!! As you can tell, this week was rather halloween themed :-)
Week 11 blogsize

#71: October 25th: fall tree: Once again I just love the fall colors, the trees are so gorgeous.

#72: October 26th: Harpo is three: Today was Harpo's 3rd birthday! He looks so much calmer this year than the other two previous years. I got this hat before his first birthday and it has changeable numbers. So it's Harpo's designated birthday hat... although I'm not sure what I'll do after he turns 9 since that's as high as the numbers go.

#73: October 27th: Lil' Monster: I carved this pumpkin for my work's pumpkin carving contest. It was suppose to have horns on the top of its head, but I'm not a fan of horns or devilish things, so I replaced the horns with fur patches... makes him look much cuter, eh?

#74: October 28th: Pumpkin Contest: My work had a halloween pumpkin carving contest. Here were all the entries. From the left: 1-Koi Bowl 2-Broken Nose 3-Ghost that says BOO 4-Nightmare before Christmas pumpkin 5-BOO! B Breast Cancer pumpkin 6-my lil' monster

#75: October 29th: Halloween Sock: I got a new 35mm 1.8 lens this day and was playing around with it. I love the wide aperture and the blur/bokeh it gives me! This one stuck out because it shows off my fun halloween socks :-)

#76: October 30th: My Witch Friend: This is my office buddy, June. She dressed up as a witch for our work's costume contest. Her co-workers were all her black cats.

#77: October 31st: New Light: As we transform our dining room into a dining room/study, we installed a new ceiling light. There wasn't a ceiling light in there before now and we spent many hours trying to get the wiring in for this, but now we are very happy that all our hard work paid off! We have great light in there now, I can see things in the room better than I have ever been able to see in that room.

Thanks for reading!

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