The Pioneer Woman was at the Mall of America, signing copies of her newly released cook book!
As soon as I heard about this date, I put in on my calendar and yesterday - this day ARRIVED! I was so excited!!! I had written down that it was to start at noon. Now after following her recent blogs I KNEW there was going to be a line. But I was attending an information session from 9 to 11 and there was just no way I was going to make it to the MoA before noon... oh well I'll just have to wait in line! Well I arrived to see this sign:

So I was kinda glad I had told myself that it was to start at noon, so I did end up getting there a 'little early' only to wait in a CRAZY long line. The gals that were in the FRONT of the line had arrived at 7:30 am. I thought they were NUTS for waiting 5.5 hours and I thought luckily I got there when I did because I'm going to be out of here way before five hours. BOY WAS I WRONG!!!! I started in line at 12:00 and ended up getting to see PW/Ree at 5:15. Anyway back to my story. So while waiting, my wonderful husband (who I sweet talked into coming along) ran away to get us some food, we were both STARVING! So part of the waiting wasn't so bad, at least I got to eat and also stay fascinated with the holiday decorations

I wondered, if they were to fall would they shatter like normal Christmas balls?? hhmmmm?
Okay back to waiting... waiting... waiting... if only we were INSIDE the taped off line, I'd be a little closer...

A little after one o'clock, Ree showed her face, I was actually seeing THE Pioneer Woman

She answered a few questions then started her autographs, the excitement BEGAN! Shortly after, Marlboro Man (Ree's husband) and two boys took some time away from the amusement park to show their faces

and the boys even did a little autographing themselves:

There was a camera crew, which at first I thought were there for Ree... but later found out they were shooting a documentary on MALL COPS! Oh boy!

This security guards job is HARD!

Ree's boys were just too cute and rambunctious!!! They couldn't keep their hands off each other, it kinda reminds me how my brothers were to me!! ;-P

Oh yeah and that's MM pointing his pen at the boys telling them to cool it!
Luckily since there were two of us, Kyle and I, we were able to take turns standing in line. Although it was mainly both of us standing there, I did leave to go to the bathroom... only to miss a camera man falling off stage!!! Kyle said he fell flat on his back, I felt so sorry for him, by the time I got back he was packing up his ginormous Nikon and heading out the door, I sure hope he's alright. From the sound of it, it was a pretty hard fall.
Finally, we made it INSIDE the tape, this was a very joyous moment!!!

We passed behind MM signing books again, this time they found the poor guy a seat. He was no longer getting 'attacked' by crazy ladies whistling at him... now he was able to separate himself from them with a table.

The boys were being good coloring

Although the one on the left had a bunch of markings on his face so I'm not sure how nice they were being about coloring ;-P
We were getting closer!

Notice Ree's camera there on the table to her right (our left)... yeah I totally had camera envy after seeing that Big Girl!!!!
Around, around. Shuffle, shuffle. Being in the taped off line wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be. I took a break and ran to get us some Orange Julius drinks and we continued to shuffle.
I couldn't believe how many books some people had:

Maybe he was wanting a separate book for each recipe so he could cook them all at once?
Ree's poor hand is going to fall off after all these book signing tours!!!

I FINALLY made it!!!

I got my cook book signed and my picture taken with the Pioneer Woman! My life is now complete :-) or a little more exciting at least, hee hee.
What a TON of fun :) I would worry about those christmas ornament above my head as well!!!
Hello! Hey, I'm the girl in the pics where the boys are signing the book sitting on the floor. Any chance you got all of me in a pic that you could send to me? Looks like you had a fun day!
Stumbled on your site from PW's. Very jealous to hear you got to see her & get your book signed.
Somehow I just don't think she's going to make it to Camp Humphreys in South Korea. So I'm living vicariously through everyone else's posts.
Great blog! Wish my photos turned out as good as your's.
Much love from an overseas Army wife,
What a great post and awesome photos - you are a talented gal! Like Jennifer I am living vicariously through other bloggers and marvelling at the rise and rise of Mrs Drummond!!
Hey just wanted to say I'm a fan of PW too but was nowhere near a book signing. So glad for all that got to go though, that had to be awesome! I still need to go pick up the book =P
Great pictures!
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