Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Chicks Weeks 1 - 3

The chicks were born June 1st (Beep Beep) and June 2nd (everyone else)

Here they are about 2-3 days old: 

Had to get a couple photos of them in muffin cups. They were like WTF? HAHA

Looking back at these photos I can't believe how FAST they have grown. They are now 6 weeks as I write this and I've been bad about blogging about them, but have been capturing them in photos. Only problem is when I get this far behind I don't end up sharing all the photos cuz I just don't have time to go through them all. 

We slowly began to give them names eventually naming them all which wasn't what we were going to do haha. We are still waiting to see who is actually a hen and who will have to go since we are not allowed to have roosters in our city :-( 

Here are their first three week comparison photos (a couple days old, 1 week, 2 week, and 3 weeks old). Been taking weekly photos since just need to organize them. 



Anna (a rooster): 

We thought she was a rooster at first because her and Anna were the first to develop combs, but the older she gets the more apparent she is a hen and we're so happy. She is typically the first to get caught, her tail feathers and full and round. We hope she's a keeper. 

Olaf is the fattest and Thomas named her. Still not sure if it's a hen or roo. 

Pretty sure this is Mrs. Bob:

And Beep Beep! This one's easy to tell. We are so hoping she's a hen! 
Signs are pointing toward girl so far. 

This was a close up of Anna as his black feathers started to get brown in them. 

So cute and fluffy! This is when Thomas named this one Olaf:

Bernadette's comb growing:



Three week photos: 


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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.