Friday, September 9, 2011

Basement Update: the end is getting closer

Here is the basement as of last night, September 8th

Sept8_11 cabinets

Yesterday the cabinet were delivered, the electrician got most all his work done (outlets, light fixtures, switches) and got our wall sconce at the top of the stairs:
Sept9_11 wall sconce

Today the plumber is here installing the toilet, the bathroom vanity, and changing out all our old galvanized plumbing to new aplex stuff throughout the house (well in the basement as it doesn't really run much through the house, just up to the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink which most of it can be accessed from the basement area that is being left unfinished.

Last week I did a thorough cleaning under the stairs and today and did the unfinished storage area that is over by the electrical box. It was such a mess from after they sanded!!! Dust EVERYWHERE! So it's slowing coming together, this weekend I hope to get some of my craft and sewing supplies moved down to the unfinished storage area. We might also work on the upstairs trim that goes around the doors and paint the doors to try and get that off our list.

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