Monday, September 30, 2019

Start of School

Isaac started the day after labor day: September 3rd

The girls had two more days at home before starting school. We went to our favorite park on of those days. Bitter sweet these moments were. They are so ready for Kindergarten (me too) but it'll be lonely with them gone.

Out to lunch at Yum to celebrate their last day before Kindergarten! 

The girls first day was Thursday, September 2nd. We drove them the first day, then they have been taking the bus everyday since. This beautiful view was from a bike ride I took the morning on their first day. Gorgeous! 

Dropped off Emma first: 

Then Mary:

Thomas and I met them at the bus stop when they got home. Thomas is living his best life :0) 

Meanwhile, Thomas is loving the 1:1 time. Here's a glimpse of him singing along to You Are My Sunshine, so precious!

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