Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 36

Week 36 blogsize

#246: Picking dandelions: I spent some time outside pulling up dandelions with my weed puller tool. It was so satisfiing when I could get a long root like this one. The little suckers are bastards I tell you. I pulled them ALL out only to find 20 new ones come up the next day! Gesh!

#247: Harpo's Breakfast: I finally got up early to work out!! 5:30 that is, and I'm glad I did because my day was so busy that I wouldn't have been able to workout any other time. I snapped this that morning because I knew I wouldn't be thinking about it any other time of the day. Harpo LOVES to eat!

#248: Harpo's celery: Harpo is so funny, he loves vegetables!  I was cutting up my celery for my lunch and of course I dropped one, Harpo ran over and gobbled it up. I couldn't believe how much he loved them, lol!

#249: Backyard tulips: These are the first two tulips in the backyard to bloom.

#250: Jolene's Shower: We had a baby shower for my friend and co-worker Jolene. She is due in just a few weeks with her first baby boy!!  We're pretty excited, I can't wait to meet him and of course hold him!! :-)

#251: Here's Life Dinner: Friday night we got invited to go to a fundraiser dinner with some friends that were hosting a table. It was a fun night of hanging with friends, dressing up, and getting to eat some fun food!

#252: Sleepy Harpo: He so cute...

Happy Spring!

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