Saturday, July 25, 2009

The green grass grows all around all around....

We made a trip out into the country today... to pick up some sod!
land of the sod

Since we didn't have much to fill we only got 10 rolls (a little more than we needed, but we planned it that way) sod in jeep

Here is a shot of the whole backyard. Sorry it's a little crooked... I noticed that after they combined and I don't really want to go re shoot them :-) You get the point through right?
backyard panorama

And here are the "Before and After" from the very beginning:

the before of back yard the after of backyard

Here are some older posts of our progress:
Concrete Bustin' (the last of it)
Grey to Green (total overview)
We have Grass! (sod laying last fall)
Concrete Update (our first bit of breakin up)

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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.