Last Friday I had the opportunity to go to Cargill's main campus to tour the building that the Cargill Leadership Team (CEO, President, etc.) works in called the Lake Office. The Lake Office is right next door to the Office Center, which is the corporate headquarters. After the tour I realized that I had never taken Daisy over and showed her the campus, so on Sunday we took the trip.
These pictures are actually on the campus, Cargill bought this land and house (we'll get to that) in the 1930's and immediately planted 150,000 trees, as you can see there is some wildlife meandering around too.
The highlight of the campus is the Lake Office which in reality is a giant mansion built in the 1920's by a former affluent CEO of a different company, below is really an Olympic size pool which was built for one of the CEO's 6 daughters. Her plan was to compete in the 1932 Olympics, shockingly she did not make it. It was made to look like a pond and today is used as such.
The mansion itself is quite massive with extremely intricate details in the wood, sculptures, and fireplaces. To give you an idea of the money spent on this house in the '20's the main greeting room is made of brick and every single brick was dipped in copper. It is assumed that costs about $400K, today those copper bricks are worth about $5.5MM. If you look above the arched windows you will find the current CEO's office which I was about to go in and see, surprisingly humble actually.
After we drove around the campus we decided to drive around and look at the houses in the area. They run around $1MM a piece so we were just window shopping :-). We found this rock retaining wall by one of the houses and thought it would be a good spot for a Daisy pic. Here she is in all of her pregnant glory :-), 24 weeks and lookin' good!

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