#330: Bonsai Tree: I talked about going to the zoo here. They finally had the bonsai exhibit open at the Como Zoo when we went. It was pretty cool seeing such little 'big' trees. This one is 55 years old. There was one there that was 100 years old!
#331: Harpo Teeth: I needed a picture this day and we were getting ready to brush Harpo's teeth so I'd thought I'd get a capture of that lovely memory :-P I should really brush his teeth more than I do, but it's a pain in the butt. I know, brushing them now will save me hundreds of dollars of cleaning costs later in life - I'm trying, I'm trying.
#332: Blue Sky: Driving home from work, I captured the beautiful sky with my camera phone.
#333: Kyle: This is a boring week for photos sorry... Kyle's watching Family Guy here.
#334: CSA Carrot: CSA box #3 had a few crazy looking carrots in it!
#335: In the Sun Harpo: Harpo loves laying in the sun, luckily I was able to snap a picture before he realized I was getting near him... he usually moves before I can capture it.
#336: Calm After the Storm Sunset: This was the beautiful sunset the night after the big storm, I blogged about our BBQ here.
Happy Summer!
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