Monday, February 8, 2010

A day in the life of a Minnesotan

I woke up this morning at my usual time. Well later than I had planned to get out of bed (like usual). I did my normal morning routine. It takes me 25 minutes to get to work, so I try and leave the house by 7:30. I had my lunch fixed for the day and was starting on getting my breakfast made, when I get a text from Kyle at 7:23am that states "i would recommend snow boats. it is deep" and of course I know he meant to type boots not boats. I have had yet to actually WEAR boots to work, I know a lot of downtown workers do this because they are walking in slush around downtown... but since I work in the 'burbs I have clean shoveled paths from my car to the clinic doors. So I knew it must be bad out there when Kyle suggested boots. I got my boots on and headed out the door with trip one to the car: lunch, purse, work shoes, morning tea and keys to warm up the jeep.
177 snow boots

Boy was it deep! At that instant I knew I was going to be late for work. I went back to the house, let Harpo out and made my cereal 'to go' and just ate it in the car. It ended up taking me an hour to get to work. fast forward nine hours....
snow shovel

I knew as soon as I got home I was going to need to shovel, the snow had been coming down all day and was going to continue to come down all night. If I would have realized it was going to snow so much overnight I would have gotten up early to shovel before work in an effort to make the after work shovel easier. That wasn't the case as you heard from my earlier story. So I started with the back deck. I shovel the deck to the yard as a path for Harpo. I also moved the patio table next to the door at the beginning of winter in hopes to provide Harpo a little shelter area if needed. I shoveled the deck and stopped out Harpo's ring path a little bit. Then it was on to the front.
front of house snow b&w

We don't have THAT great of an area to shovel, just our front side walk, to the street and then in front of the house to our neighbors property, as well as the sidewalk to our garage in the alley. Although I usually shovel all the way to my north neighbors walk way, and she (well the other neighbor she hired) does the same for us). I could tell earlier today he had used the snow blower and went all the way to our walk way so I returned the favor since it was a measly 2 inches (compared to the 4-6" on the rest of the sidewalk)
snow porch

After I finished that I tacked the back sidewalk... leaving the alleyway drive way (which isn't very big) for later. I don't mind shoveling everything else but I HATE shoveling our little 4' driveway. I'll just let the car tires smash it down... or Kyle can do it tomorrow night.
deep snow

Now I'm going to go eat dinner, knit on the couch and wait for my honey to get home from school :-P

Warm Wishes!

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