Then we went to the meeting point where we were told to meet our bus, one is loading and the woman says "uh they usually don't meet here" and we're thinking GREAT! Well another bus pulls up and he tells us to get on and that we'll be moving to number 15... okay okay at least we're on A BUS! Then they take us down the way a little bit to this little plaza (which this is the one we walk to on Day 5) and we stand there and watch buses go by wondering if we'll ever make it to Chichen Itza!! Then we see it in the distance bus number 15!!! Here it comes, here it comes, it slows down... and there it goes, buh-bye bus 15. Then about 5 minutes later it comes back around and parallel parks about to run over americans and candians. The best parallel parking job I've ever seen! They start to collect people's passes and we hand him ours and he's looking for 'Simpson' and we're looking over the clipboard and can't find it. We both think, oh great! But then he says "ah here it is, Tinsom!" LOL we just figured whatever works just get us on a bus to Chichen Itza!!!! We made it on the bus, ahhh we can relax! Our tour guide was pretty funny! His name was Evan (russian name but he was mexican). He told a funny joke about mexican drivers and a priest and when they went to heaven paul or someone said how the priest had to wait, the priest was confused asking "why?" Paul says "because when you preach people sleep, when the mexican driver drives, people pray!!" lol anyway he told it better than I did. He gave us some info and then we watched a national geographic video (oh after they served us some coffee, juice, and danish). The drive was long, but fun about 2.5 hours. We got to see 'inner' mexico, pretty neat. It reminded me of a mission trip I did to Mexico, I wish I could take Kyle because that experience was truly mexican and totally awesome!
On the bus our seat numbers were Kyle-25 and Daisy-26... pretty suiting since that's our age, LOL.
Our first stop was a cenote! (def.:is a sinkhole with exposed rocky edges containing groundwater) a lot of them were used for human sacrifices, but the one we went to: Ik kil was a place for meditation and relaxation for the mayans. Anyway we stopped here, it was more of a tourista kind of place, they called it an archaeological park.
When we first walked into the 'park area' there was a lady handing out free samples of tequila, it was licorice flavored, very interesting. I also got a silver necklace here that has my name written in mayan. 5 letters vertical... you can see it on me in some later pictures.
Here is the cenote, notice there's only a few people down there, and then later you'll see a picture with all the people... that's how crowded it was when we went swimming down there. We both got in, it was pretty chilly, but not bad. Kyle went up and jumped off the platform, a lot of people were doing that.
Back on the bus to head to where we'll eat lunch, we got our bracelets to get into Chichen Itza, they gave us bracelets then we also had to turn in a ticket (tee-keet).
Here is where we had lunch notice the sign out front, I thought it was funny how it mentioned things are cook under strict hygienic conditions.
Lunch was provided in our tour cost, but drinks weren't... we had to pay $3 a piece for a bottle of water!!!!! And I thought pro sports game prices were bad! My favorite thing here was the rice and fish! They had little breaded fish patties that had been soaked in some kinda wine sauce. Oh and the flan was mmmm good! Oh and for a little entertainment, these people danced with glasses on their heads.
Next stop CHICHEN ITZA!!!! (pronounced: chi - chen - eet - za)
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