Thursday, September 7, 2023

July 16-21{Camp GOTR week and sports}

This week marked a pretty big milestone. I'd say this was the official middle of summer and a big week I needed to get through. I was helping coach Camp GOTR all week AND Kyle was traveling the entire week.

This was Sunday, Thomas's last baseball game: 

And Mary had a lacrosse game that night. 

Monday started GOTR camp (Girls on the Run) 8:30 am - 12:30 pm all week. Thomas had a morning camp at school and Isaac was in charge. The girls and I left for camp and Isaac walked Thomas to school and then went back to walk him home. I had help that evening with getting Emma to soccer so I could get Mary to lacrosse. She had photos that evening. THEN Isaac had an evening game. 


On the drive to my early Tuesday morning swim I had to pull over to capture the beautiful sunrise. If I was going to make it through this week I was going to have to wake up extra early to get it in. 

Camp day two. Learned from the first day we need to PACK lunch for the girls so they can eat while I clean up. 

Mary had a lacrosse game on Tuesday. 

We have so many bunnies in our yard! We love it, they are like our pets :-) 

Rock update, this is after the second phase of tumbling.

Wednesday camp and then a CRAZY evening of running everyone everywhere. I made this little map with all the stops I needed to do... 

However a massive storm rolled in as we left Isaac and I decided to turn back. Turns out Mary's practice and Emma's soccer were both cancelled. It was Isaac's last July ball game and they delayed the game but eventually played it after literally sponging up the water on the field. 

Thursday morning run then camp. 

Kyle got home Thursday and we had a nice walk Thursday evening. 

Friday was the final day at camp, a super fun week! Girls had a gallery walk to showcase what they made all week. Here's my girls' displays:


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All images are copyright of Daisy Simpson. It is unlawful and illegal to copy, scan, alter or edit the images in any way. This depreciates the photos value as well as my reputation, I take great care in capturing and editing each image and they are each important to me. Thank you for respecting my passion and my copyright.