Monday, September 19, 2022

Thomas turns FIVE!

Thomas's birthday fell on a Thursday this year. The older kids helped me decorate the night before, Isaac was creative and thought of this all on his own! First birthday decorating in the new house!

When you're baby number four it's pretty special to have a day that's all about getting attention. He gets plenty of attention from everyone, but it's usually sporadic and he does get pushed aside a lot. 

Presents, breakfast, presents.

Rode to Kenwood park to test out the new helmet. 

And lots of play time with Minecraft legos.

I baked his cake. 

Then after dinner we celebrated.


Friday we went for a bike ride to the library. Summer routine, and put some stickers on the large mosaic they are trying to complete before the end of summer (spoiler alert it's still not completed)

Bike home, attempt at a photo, but Thomas being a goofball.

Friday night we continued the celebration with a family trip to Moose Mountain Miniature Golf in the Mall of America. Thomas was too distracted with mini-golf to hang out with us. We attempted a family photo then snuck him in. 

Dinner at Rain Forest Cafe to make it special. Mary took our family photo.

Then he used his money from grandma Cindy to buy another Minecraft lego set, he was VERY excited about this. 

This was the ONLY photo I got with his blocks the next week. We'll try for a better photo next year, lol. Signs of the time. 

Can't believe our baby is FIVE! Hopefully he felt special that day, he's been acting out a lot at this age and negative attention tends to be the norm. When we can squeeze in that 1:1 time he is SO sweet and such a smart boy. Going off to Kindergarten I feel like he's growing up so fast.

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