Monday July 18th
It was a warm one. We got the girls dropped off at summer scholars and decided it was FINALLY time to air up that second paddle board we'd gotten.
It was warm and Isaac was a little bummed he didn't get to jump in like Thomas did but since it was just him on his board I didn't want to deal with the mess of the ankle strap and all. So we went home, put the boards away then rode our bikes over to cedar to swim at the beach.
This guy was collecting big rocks and stacking them. Meanwhile you see in the distance Thomas was throwing the rocks back in, LOL.
Good nap after a morning in the sun.
Kyle was out of town so of course he took over our bed Monday night.
Isaac was at park playdate this week - Monday's sessions were cancelled due to heat which is what prompted the paddle board and beach day. But while he was there on Tuesday Thomas and I had some playtime. We went to Wolfe park after my chiropractor appointment.
House project: smart light switches in the basement. Had to deal with a crowded box and lining up the frame.
Turkeys! There his a family of turkey's we'd pass through when coming back from Isaac's park playdate in St. Louis Park.
Kyle was home from traveling and I got a morning run in on Wednesday.
Mary at Lacrosse practice.
Friday bike to the library followed by a trip to the penny carnival. Oh I bet we didn't bike this time... I can't remember, lol.
Friday night we had some friends over for dinner. We had dinner then went to the beach and got out on the paddle boards.
Saturday I attended a Mom of Multiples club summer picnic. It was nice to see some ladies again from out previous time in Minnesota and the girls loved playing with all the other twins.
Water balloon fight in the rain.
Sunday I got a much needed haircut and then Kyle took Mary to the archery field. She had bought herself a bow she found at this flea shop type store.
Sunday evening we ate in our dining room. On Friday when Nate & Bri were over that was the first time we'd eaten in our dining room, we don't have a table but it sure felt nice to sit down and eat. The kids had been sitting at the kitchen bar while Kyle and I stand every meal.
Some pics of Harpo snoozing away in his 'room'.
Monday July 25th. It was the girls last week of summer school. This week Isaac AND Thomas had park playdate in the morning and then just Isaac in the afternoon. I worked on getting some things done around the house: like putting these plants in the window sill of the bathroom to act as privacy so we can keep the shades open. And got my artwork delivered :-) This was a photo I took of our chickens in Wichita.
Thomas started soccer on Monday and Thursday nights.
Tuesday July 26th
We'd been trying to track down this free food truck that was being offered through the city of Minneapolis. It was only for kids 18 and under but they had a schedule and were in certain parts at certain times. We had tried a few and couldn't catch it - I guess it kept breaking down. We FINALLY found it and the boys got to enjoy a free hot lunch. Also a pic of the note from our former mailman in Wichita.
Thursday was attempt one to get a Minnesota drivers license... had made an appointment filled out the pre-application, had all my paperwork. We arrived and I found out I had to take the written exam first. UGH! Got an appointment, first one I could get in was September 19th! Which was yesterday so I can say that I have done it and now just waiting for my new license to get mailed.
I also took Harpo to the vet this day. He had been having diarrhea ALL week! I had shortened up his room to help with the morning clean up mess, making it less of an area. Of course Thursday morning was the first morning he didn't make a mess, but since it had been going on for a few days and he had pooped blood the night before I took him in. He's fine now and must have just been some bacteria or something.
That night Mary started Archery at the rec center. It was about a 5 or 6 session activty. Fun for her to be doing tings she's expressed interest in.
Friday July 29th it was the girls turn for some 1:2 attention. Both the boys had park playdate in the morning so we took them (and saw turkeys!)
Then we went for bubble tea... well actually we made bubble at home, but the girls had wanted these stuffs from the bubble tea place. So we went, they used their own money to buy their goodies and they had cake to celebrate the end of summer school!
A friend had asked about their height difference so I had them pose for a photo to show.
Saturday, Harpo getting his morning pills, a new one added to the bunch for a week for his upset stomach.
Some work around the house. I got a power washer to clean the filthy front porch and we built a gate for the side of the house where there wasn't one.
We went to the beach for some fun in the sun. I paddle boarded ALL the way over to Brownie lake - a goal of mine I had.
Sunday we did something we don't do enough of, and that was go for a walk in the wooded area just west of our house. We have a whole nature center back there. It was fun to hike for a bit, kids' complaining not fun but they survived.
That afternoon evening Kyle and I had another date night where we went golfing and hit a little brewery and dinner afterwards.
Whoop Whoop that's it for July! Gonna get caught up BEFORE September is over (hopefully) Only a month and a half behind now.
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