Friday, July 26, 2013

Aquatennial Parade of Torches

Last Wednesday (July 17th) we went to the Minneapolis Aquatennial Parade. It is called 'CenterPoint Energy Torchlight Parade' although there were not as many torches as I would have liked to have seen. It was from 9pm-10:30pm so a little late for Isaac but this was his first parade and he had a long late nap so we thought what the hay. We are glad we went, he had a lot of fun. Even though he looks very tired he enjoyed everything.We rode with a neighbor friend and happened to bump into her neighbor while there.
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He found our friend's buzz light up toy quite amusing
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The big kids crossed the street to get some yummy cold treats. It was a WARM evening!
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He LOVED the planes that flew overhead to start the night off
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I did say it was late at night, he does look tired, but enjoyed himself.
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Then of course was in to the police cars and fire trucks. (He is obsessed with trucks right now)
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So Minneapolis has two sister cities, one somewhere in Japan, the other in Mexico. Who knew. Not sure how one gets a sister city.
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90 degrees and in this, she's a trooper.
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Watching the marching band
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Tried to get him waving at the floats on video but of course he stopped when I started recording:

A parade wouldn't be complete without the politicians :-P
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And finally the torches!
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And the Peanuts Characters representing:
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We left a little early, about 10:00. Wanted to beat the traffic. We had a fun time.

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